Happiest Woman Alive- Extra 1

629 34 18

Amethyst/ Theodore / Jimminy

"Get up, Grumps! We are going to watch the sunrise remember? WAKE UP!"

"Its the only holiday I get, Weirdo!"


"Thank- What the actual fudge, Weirdo?"

"I said it nicely earlier but guess that doesn't work with you."

"The water is freaking ice-cold!"

"If you are done whining, go freshen up."

"Since when are you a morning person?"

"Since today, you dumbass!"

"Geez, I am supposed to be the angry one!."


"Yeah, yeah, I am going. Get me a glass water, please?"

"Yeah, whatever."

"So tell me weirdo, why are you so eager to watch this sunrise. As far as my knowledge goes, you like sunsets more because you get to sleep after that."

"I am surprised you have knowledge at all. And no reason."

"Those comebacks don't hurt me anymore, my lord."

"Then why were you cryi-"

"Shush! I did not do such a thing."

"Oh you so did. I even saw some snot run-"

"Lalallalalallalala- I am not listening- lalallalalalalallala."

"And I am childish."

"Sure you are weirdo! Happy realisation."

"I see, you are using my words against me. But you are still lame!"

"Oh come on! Let me be cool for once!"

"No can do."

"Oh no reminds me, there is definitely a reason behind this sunrise thing. Tell me."

"I told you no reason. And how come you aren't tired? I am exhausted already!"

"And I don't believe you. You don't do things without a reason, well 99% of the time. That's because I exercise everyday, unlike somebody."

"Since when did you start observing things? That was my job. And shut up! Exercise and me are sworn enemies!"

"I like to observe you.. It makes me realise how much of a deep person you are."

"Weren't you angry at me a while ago?"

"Well, its not everyday that you ask for something from me."

"I don't think anybody in this entire universe can *pants* beat you in being cliché."

"You love it."

"Are you still sleeping?"



"We're here!"

"We are right on time!"

"Thanks to me!"

The red outline of the sun appeared as they both gazed at the horizon in front of them, hands tightly held together, hearts beating wild and cheeks flushed pink.

The orange tints shading the sky, doing more than just coloring it.. adding life to it. Tiny birds flying and chirping as if they are new to life, sending waves of peace and energy at the same time.

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