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Ten years later

"Commander Maria to bridge." A voice said over the intercom.

I let out a groan and set up in bed. I stood up and walked towards the intercom and roughly pushed the button.

"On my way." I said as I let out a yawn.

I looked into the mirror and let out a sigh as I put my long dark purple hair in a bun.

"I don't want your father here to see what a disappointment you are."

I rubbed my face and let out a sigh before I got ready for work. I quickly got dressed and walked to the bridge. I stepped onto the lift and waited to arrive on the bridge. The doors open and I stepped off.

"You will agree, Data, that Starfleet's orders are difficult?" The captain said softly.

"Difficult? Simply solve the mystery of Farpoint Station." Data said as I went to my station.

"As simple as that."

"Farpoint Station. Even the name sounds mysterious." Deanna said softly.

"It's hardly simple, Data, to negotiate a friendly agreement for Starfleet to use the base while at the same time snoop around finding how and why the life form there built it." Captain Picard said as Hernanes back in the chair.

"Inquiry. The word snoop?"

"Data, how can you be programmed as a virtual encyclopedia of human information without knowing a simple word like snoop?"

"Possibility, a kind of human behaviour I was not designed to emulate."

"Data the word snoop means to investigate something in secret." I said calmly.

"Ah! To seek covertly, to go stealthily, to slink, slither-"

"Exactly, yes." Picard said with a sigh.

"Glide, creep, skulk, pussyfoot, gumshoe." Data continued.

"Data, we get it." I said as I shook my head.

"Captain, I'm sensing a powerful mind." Deanna said as she looked around.

"I am too." I said with a frown as I looked at Deanna.

The collision alarm went off and I quickly looked at the scanners.

"Sir, I am picking up something strange on the detector circuits." I said as I tried to get a reading on it.

"It registers as solid, Captain." Data said calmly.

"Or an incredibly powerful forcefield. But if we collide with either it could be very-"

"Shut off that damned noise. Go to Yellow Alert." Picard ordered cutting Deanna off.

"Shields and deflectors up, sir." Worf said as I checked my scanners.

"Reverse power, full stop." Picard ordered.

"Controls to full stop, sir. Now reading full stop, sir." Torres said calmly.

I let out a sigh and then I covered my eyes as a flash of light appeared beside me. A man appeared beside me and I was pulled away from him by Worf.

"Thou are notified that thy kind hath infiltrated the galaxy too far already. Thou art directed to return to thine own solar system immediately." He said calmly.

"That's quite a directive. Would you mind identifying what you are?" Picard asked calmly.

"We call ourselves the Q. Or thou mayst call me that. It's all much the same thing. I present myself to thee as a fellow ship captain, that thou mayst better understand me. Go back whence thou camest." He said as he walked up to Picard.

I watched as Torres reached for his phaser and I quickly moved to his side and pushed him out of the way.

"Stay where thou art!" Q ordered.

Before I knew it everything had went dark. When I next opened my eyes I was in sickbay.

"You're awake." A voice said.

I set up and looked up to see a woman.

"Good to have you back, I'm Doctor Crusher." She said softly.

"How long was I out?" I asked as I leaned back in the bed.

"A few minutes." She said as she grabbed a scanner.

"What about Torres?" I asked as I looked around.

I spotted him on a bed and saw that he was still out cold.

"He is still unconscious but he will recover." She said as she scanned me.

I nodded my head and waited for her to finished. After she had moved away I stood up.

"If you will excuse me I must get back to my station." I said calmly.

"I haven't cleared you yet." She said as she looked at me shocked.

"With all do respect, I'm fine.... and I must really get back to work, I have things that I need to get finished." I said as I turned and walked out of sickbay.

I made it out the door and bumped into a chest. I looked up to see Worf glaring down at me.

"Back in bed." He ordered.

"Worf, I'm fine-"

"Until Doctor Crusher clears you, you will stay in bed." He said as he dragged me back to the bed and had me lay down.

"This won't take long." She said softly.

I let out a sigh of defeat and allowed her to finish checking me out.

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