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We soon made it to the council building and I saw a group of kids outside. I watched as they played ball and I waited for Rivan to speak.

"Good health! I thought you might be out of breath." She said with a laugh.

"We may surprise you in a lot of ways." Riker said with a laugh.

Liator sent the kids a smile and patted Wesley's back.

"Children, we've brought you a new friend! " He said happily.

"Well, hello. Join us." A boy said happily.

"Yes, please." The girl said with a smile.

Wesley looked at me and I sent him a smile and a Of of my head.

"Be careful!" I called as he followed them.

"Don't worry, he will be fine." Liator said with a smile.

"And now it's time for you to meet some new friends." Rivan said softly.

We made it inside and Liator had me and Tasha sit with him and Rivan. They talked for awhile, while I looked around.

"Tell me... why are your ears like that?" Liator asked calmly.

"I'm the daughter of a vulcan." I said softly.


"Heartless hob-goblin." I said softly.

"You do not look like a hob-goblin." He said softly.

"Does anyone?" I asked softly.

"What are these Vulcan's like?"

"They don't express emotions... don't love... or feel sadness." I said softly.

"That must be a lonely life."

I nodded my head and Tasha continued to talk to him.

"That is extraordinary." Tasha said softly.

'Can I take a moment of your time, Lieutenant?' Worf asked as he walked up to us.

"Yes, Worf, but you've got to hear this. Are you telling me that there's no crime here whatsoever? No one breaks any laws?" Tasha asked calmly.

"Once they did. Long, long ago there was much disorder. But not now." Liator said softly.

"But I seen no sign of police. Those who enforce laws." Tasha said with a frown.

"Oh, we have very few. They are called Mediators. And they are needed only in one place each day." Rivan said softly.

"The punishment zone. An area that's selected for a period of time." Liator said calmly.

"It's a completely random selection?" I asked with a frown.

"No one but our Mediators know what place or for how long. We're very proud of the wisdom of our ancestors. No person ever knows where or when a zone will be." Liator explained.

"And so no one risks death." Rivan said as she looked at the ground.

"Death?" Worf asked shocked.

"By breaking any law." She said softly.

"Wait. Explain this." Tasha said as I stood up.

"Only one punishment for any crime." Liator said as he followed me with his eyes.

"Anyone who commits any crime in the punishment zone dies?" I asked as I held my breath.

"The law is the law. Our peace is built on that." He said as he sent me a small smile.

"Even a small thing? Such as ignoring the rule, keep off the grass?" Tasha asked with a frown.

"Then no one breaks that rule. Who wants to risk execution? And there's always a white wall or fence to remind anyone of a forbidden area like that." Rivan said calmly.

"And just who tells visitors about these rules?" I asked as I looked at Worf.

"We'd better find Wesley." He said calmly.

I nodded my head in agreement and followed him out of the building. When we found them there were two men standing beside Wesley, Riker, and Deanna.

"Careful, Commander. They've got some strange laws here." Tasha said softly.

"I thought you reviewed their laws." Riker said calmly.

"But they listed nothing about punishment." Tasha said with a frown.

"One moment, please. Is there a witness to this transgression?" The man said.

"But it was my fault. I threw the ball past him." The boy sad.

I quickly pulled Wesley to my side and glared at the Mediator.

"We have a visible transgression, ample witnesses, and an admission of guilt. And though it deeply pains us to do it, we must." He said as he pulled out a needle.

"Are you prepared for punishment?" He asked.

"Punishment? If you mean what the others were talking about." Worf asked with a growl.

"What punishment? Name it!" Riker yelled.

"Death, of course. Don't make it difficult for the boy." He said calmly.

The other mediator went to take Wesley, and Riker knocked him down, while I held onto Wesley tightly. Tasha and Worf drew their phasers and glared at them.

"Drop it. Drop it now!" Worf ordered.

He dropped the needle and Tasha quickly picked it up.

"It's a kind of syringe." She said as she handed it to Riker.

"What is this? You said death. Is this poison?" Riker yelled.

"But of course it is. Completely painless. The boy would have felt nothing. But look at him now. You've frightened him."

"He was going to kill me?" Wesley asked as he held onto me.

"And if this Zone were still in effect, you would all deserve death."

"It was announced you came as friends. Is this how friends act?"

"You tell me." I growled out.

"Enterprise from away team, come in. Are you receiving us, Enterprise?" Riker asked with a frown.

It didn't take Picard long before he arrived and talked to them. I stayed with Wesley while we waited for word.

"Are they going to kill me?" Wesley asked softly.

"No, I won't let them... I promise you.. you won't die." I growled out.

He nodded his head and I sent him a smile.

"Look... I know you are scared, and I promise I'll protect you." I said softly.

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