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I smiled as I walked to the bridge and saw Odo talking to Kira. I saw a smile appear on her face and she nudged him. He turned and I saw his eyes go wide. I sent him a smile and then turned to get to work.

"I thought you were leaving." Odo said as he walked up to me.

"I decided to stay. Was tired of being on a ship." I said softly.

"I see... welcome aboard Commander."

He turned to leave, but I stopped him.

"Odo, just call me Maria." I said softly.

"Alright... Maria." He said as he turned and walked away.

I smiled and got back to work. I soon saw Julian come up and walk to me.

"I heard you were staying." He said with a smile.

"Someone has to make sure you don't get yourself killed." I said with a laugh.

He sent me a smile and turned and walked away. I let out a sigh and got to work. As the days I grew closer to the crew, even started to get a long with Odo, some.

"Odo you have to stop coming and stalking the bar." I said as I set beside him.

"I'm not stalking. I'm keeping an eye on everyone." He said sternly.

He kept looking around and I let out a sigh as I saw his eyes land on a new visitor.

"His name is Croden." I said calmly.

"What do you know about him?"

"Not much." I said with a frown.

He nodded his head and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Stop glaring. Your face will get stuck like that if yo don't."

He sent me a look and I shrugged my shoulders. He rolled his eyes and went back or watching the man.

"Or don't." I said as I stood up and walked away.

After awhile I was called to the cells. I frowned as I saw Croden there.

"Why did you arrest him?" I asked as I looked at Odo.

"He killed a Miradorn." Odo said with a frown.


"Failed robbery." He said as he looked at me.

"What will happen to him now?"

"Who knows." He said as he turned and left the room.

"Do you care about nothing?" I asked as I followed him.

He stopped and turned to look at me.

"Excuse me?"

"Do you care about nothing?" I asked with a frown.

I crossed my arms over my chest and looked at him.

"You act so cold hearted and treat everyone like they mean nothing to you. How can you be so heartless!"

He turned and quickly walked away, leaving me alone. Soon I was called to Sisko's office and I saw Odo.

"Come in." Sisko ordered.

"Yes, Commander?" Odo asked as we walked into his office.

"Constable, I want you and Maria to escort the prisoner back to his home planet."

"He's not to stand trial here?" I asked softly.

"Croden apparently committed crimes on Rakhar. His government is adamant and the Bajorans have agreed to release him."

"We're going to have trouble getting him past the Miradorn." Odo said calmly.

"Yes, I know. Ah-Kel's been screening every ship leaving the station. How soon can you be ready?"

"I'm ready now." Odo said calmly.

"As am I." I said softly.

"There's a Rigelian freighter leaving here for the Gamma Quadrant in an hour. Maybe we can use them to run interference between you and the Miradorn ship." Sisko said calmly.

"I'll move the prisoner to the runabout right away." I said softly.

"Constable, once you are both on the other side, you'll be on your own. The Miradorn vessel can outrun any of our runabouts and if they do come after you, a warning from us will just point an arrow to you."

"Understood." Odo said softly.

We made it to the cell and I crossed my arms over my chest as I saw Croden handcuffed.

"So you're finally taking me up on my offer." He said with a smile.

"I'm taking you home." Odo said sternly.

We made it to the ship and I forced Croden to sit down behind me.

"You make any moves to escape and I stun you." I said sternly.

"And here I thought you were the nice one." Croden said as he looked away.

"She is." Odo said with a frown.

We took off and I let out a sigh.

"How do you stand it, changeling, living where you don't belong. Are you happy?" Croden asked calmly.

"I'm as much a part of the place as anyone else." Odo said calmly.

"I doubt it. They tolerate you, but you're not one of them. Being what you are, you can pour your square shape into a round hole, but you never really fit, do you? You're like my stone."

"I think I finally figured out what crime you were found guilty of on your world." I said cutting off Odo.

"What's that?" Croden asked with a frown.

"You talked too much."

"Maybe you're right. Perhaps that is how it started. Perhaps I asked one question too many. Anyway, that's as good an explanation as any." Croden said softly.

"Explanation for what?" Odo asked as he looked ahead.

"For why they came that night. I never was told and to this day I don't know. They broke into my home just before dawn, and before I had time to stop them, they had murdered both my wives. You see, on my world, the punishment for being an enemy of the people is the death of your family. I had no sophisticated weapon. Only a short, slaughter knife that I used for cutting the necks of fowl we would prepare for supper. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that the necks of the security officers were no more difficult to cut than the birds. Even the sound they made as the blade crossed their gullets were similar."

"You expect me to believe this appalling tale?" Odo asked with a frown.

"Would it make any difference if you did?"


"Well then, believe it, because it's true. My return will be celebrated, changeling. They'll be very grateful. You'll be a hero. Perhaps you might even use this as an excuse to exchange envoys."

"If you don't stop talking, I could sedate you for the rest of the trip."

"Sorry. I didn't, I didn't know I bothered you."

"Why do you call him changeling? You know his name so use it." I said angrily.

"It is what he is."

"No what he is, is a person. His name is Odo and he is part of this station. Now either call him by his name or don't speak at all." I said angrily.

"I see you are close."

"Not at all, but I won't allow you to disrespect him.... and as for belonging.. there is no one else on that station who had earned their place like he has so if you like having your tongue you will shut up." I said angrily.

We soon made it through and I frowned as I saw that we had been found.

"We need to land." Croden said as he piloted is towards a planet.

"This is going to end bad." I whispered to myself.

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