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I decided after the wedding to take some time off to spend with my family and with the Changelings still posing a threat, Odo didn't want me in any danger. I was so released when he called and told me that he was able to shift again.

"I am so happy, though I do wish you could of saved the infant." I said softly.

"As do I, but he gave me a gift... own no one else could give me." Odo said softly.

"I miss you." I said after awhile.

"I miss you too." He said softly.

"I have to go, but I love you."

"And I you. When all of this is over... I promise I will never allow you out of my sight." He said softly.

He ended the call and I let out a sigh as I waited for word on everything that was happening. It was a year before I returned to the station and when I did, it wasn't to good news. I felt my heart break as I saw the body of Dax. I covered my mouth as I gently took her hand in mine.

"We were going to try for a child." Worf said softly.

I turned to look at him and gently pulled him into a hug.

"I'm sorry.... I'm so sorry." I whispered as I hugged him.

I could feel my heart break for him, and I prayed I would never know this feeling, but sometimes prayers aren't answered.

"No." I said as Odo sent me a look.

"I have to." He said softly.

"Odo you can't... you.. you promised!" I yelled as tears streamed down my face.

"I have to save my people." He said as he walked up to me.

"And what of me! You won't be able to return if you leave!"

"I know... but if I don't... they will all die." He said as he took my hand in his.

"I don't want to lose you." I whispered as he squeezed my hand.

"No matter where I am... know I am always with you." He said as he kissed the top of my forehead.

He pulled away and let go of my hand. I felt tears stream down my face as he left. I watched him get on the ship with Kira and covered my mouth. Kira sent me a look and I quickly turned and walked away.

I knew I couldn't see him disappear, my heart couldn't take it. I walked around and saw Jake looking out the window. I smiled softly as I walked up to him and put an hand on his shoulder.

"Think we will ever see them again?" He asked softly.

"I can only hope so." I said softly.

"So tell me, what now Captain?" He asked with a small smile.

"Now... we continue our lives." I said as I sent him a smile.

He nodded his head and I put my hand to my stomach. Jake turned and walked away leaving me alone. I looked down at my stomach and felt a small kick.

"And we hope they return." I said softly.

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