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I let out a shaky sigh as I had Dax help me zip up the dress.

"Nervous?" Kira asked as she sent me a smile.

"Very." I said as she pinned up my hair.

"Don't be." Dax said softly.

"Says you.... we both wrote our own vows and I'm worried he won't like them."

"Odo loves you... so stop worrying." Kira said softly.

"I know... I'm just... worried." I said softly.

"Well stop worrying."

"You're no help." I said with a laugh.

"I'm pregnant so I probably won't be any help." She said with a laugh.

"Shut up." I said with a laugh.

"Ready?" A voice asked.

I turned and smiled as I saw my father. I nodded my head and Dax and Kira left.

"You look beautiful." He said softly.

"The blue is for your old Star Fleet uniform. The yellow flowers are for Odo's uniform." I explained.

"I figured as much. You never do anything without meaning." He said softly.

"I don't hate Vulcan... or you."

"I never thought you did."

"I know, but I said it before I left. That I hated Vulcan and you.. but I don't. I was angry that mother had lied and so I took it out on you and Vulcan." I said softly.

"I understand."

"When I was in that wormhole... it felt like a few weeks... but when I came out and learned so much had changed.. and I thought I had lost any chance to tell you how much I care about you and mom." I said softly.

He let out a sigh and gently took my hands.

"I never wanted children, for fear of being like my father... and after we lost Zar I pushed you away.... because I was scared that I would lose you... and I did.. not by the wormhole.. I lost you because I pushed you away, but you came back... unlike me and my father.... you came back." He said softly.

"Of course.. I'll always come back." I said as I sent him a smile.

He pulled me into a hug and I let out a sigh as I pulled him closer.

"Live long and prosper." He whispered in my ear.

"I love you too." I whispered as I let out a sigh.

It was soon time and he led me down the aisle. I saw Picard at the end with Odo and our friends, and Dr. Mora beside Odo, and I let out a light laugh.

"Sisko married you the first time, I'm doing it the second time." He said with a smile.

"Wouldn't have it any other way." I said softly.

Odo took me from Spock and sent me a smile.

"Does anyone object?" Picard asked as he pulled his phaser out.

"No one... didn't think so." He said as he cleared his throat.

"So I was told you both wrote your own vows." Picard said softly.

"Yes, we did." Odo said as he let out a sigh.

I sent him a smile and he let out a breath of air.

"Maria Jaime.... I've loved you for as long as I've known you. I didn't know it was love, and I didn't realize it until we had to go through the wormhole together to return a prisoner.... you stood up for me... you gave me a home and you taught me love... if not for you... I don't think I'd ever of made it this far. You are my heart and soul... and I can't wait to start a family with you... I promise no matter how far apart we are, no matter if I'm gone or if you are gone... I will always love you." He said with a small smile.

"Constable Odo.... I know you hate being called Constable, but... I love the frown you put on your face when you get called it. When we first met... you were a jerk and I knew I was done for. I fell head over heels for you. I promise to do everything in my power to give you a log and happy life.... to always love and cherish you, even when you are annoying Quark. You are my best friend, you are the love of my life and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." I said with a smile.

"I name you husband and wife, kiss your bride." Picard said with a smile.

Odo quickly pulled me into a kiss and dipped me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled against his lips as everyone cheered. After we pulled apart Odo picked me up.

"Have fun at the honeymoon!" Picard yelled as Odo carried me away.

"I love you." Odo said after he set me down in the copilot seat.

"I love you too." I said as I pulled him into another kiss.

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