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For the next few days me and Julian got closer and me and Odo got further away. I soon found myself dreaming more and more about Odo and having a life with him, but I also saw myself with Julian.

"Sisko, I need guidance." I said as I plopped down in front of him.

"What is it?" He asked as he looked up at me.

"I'm dating Julian."

"I know that."

"But I'm in love with Odo." I said as I hit my head on the table.


"I am in love with Odo. I don't know why, or how but I am. Every night I wake up from a dream with me and him having a family and I... I don't know what to do."

"Talk to Odo. See how he feels about you. Talk to Julian, just be honest." He said softly.

"Yea and what if he does feel the same? How do I tell Julian?"

"Julian will understand." He said softly.

"I hope so." I said as I hit my head on the desk.

"O'Brien to Sisko." The com said.

"Go ahead, Chief." Sisko said calmly.

"I need you in my quarters on the double."

"I'm on my way." Sisko said as we stood up.

"Dad, I've got to talk to you." Jake said as he walked into the room.

"Jake, I don't have time."

A man came in and I frowned as I looked at him.

"Hello, Ben." He said with a smirk.

"He followed me home from the holosuite." Jake said softly.

"I don't know what's going on, but I'm going to the bridge." I said as I walked out of their quarters.

I made it to the bridge and saw Julian come in with Dax.

"Ah, good. It seems we have a small mystery on our hands. Lieutenant Jadzia Dax and Doctor Julian Bashir, I'd like you to meet Harmon Bokai, a baseball player from the London Kings who's been dead for two hundred years." Sisko said calmly.

"Don't look at me. I can't figure it out either." Buck said calmly.

"And a medieval fairy tale character named Rumpelstiltskin."

"Fine, now everyone knows my name." The imp said.

"Until today, he only existed in storybooks."

"A pleasure, I'm sure." Julian said calmly.

"Could this be related to the increased thoron emissions in the plasma field?"

"Thoron emissions?" Dax asked with a frown.

"I think you'd better ask me, Benjamin." Another Dax said.

I looked at Julian and he cleared his throat.

"May I?" He asked Buck.

"I was hitting a few to the boy. He's really been moving well onto the ball lately, Ben. We would've worked on some baserunning except he was getting hungry and I realised I was too."

"A hologram with an appetite?" Kira asked with a frown.


"On the contrary, Major, he's quite real. They all seem to be."

I kept my eyes glared on the fake Dax, who had her hands all over Julian.

"Mommy!" A voice yelled.

I turned to see the child from my dream run up to me. I felt eyes on me as the little girl ran up and hugged my legs.

"Mommy?" Julian asked shocked.

"Dream baby." I said before picking the small child up.

"Commander.... taker dream baby to your quarters..... we will figure this out." Siskos said as he stared at the small child.

I let out a sigh as I carried her to my quarters. When I arrived, I stopped as I saw Odo.

"Papa!" The child yelled as she squirmed out of my arms and ran up to him.

I saw a small smile appear on his face as he picked her up.

"Great dream Odo..... this will be fun to explain." I said with a groan.

"Dream Odo?" He asked as he looked up at me with a frown.

"Yep, you are part of my imagination... just like our daughter."

"Our daughter?" He asked shocked.

He looked down at the girl and then at me. I felt my heart stop and I froze up.

"You aren't dream Odo are you?" I asked softly.

"No, I'm not."

"Well..... um.. Sisko was looking for you." I said as I bit my lip.

"I.. we should-"

"Don't.. lets pretend I didn't say anything." I said as I looked away.

He nodded his head and left to find Sisko, leaving me alone to my thoughts, and my dream daughter. After spending a few hours watching the small child, I saw that she had disappeared. I let out a sigh of relief and rubbed my face.

"Sisko here, has your dream child disappeared?"

"Yes, and now Odo knows I dream of having a child with him." I said as I let out a groan.

"Well I guess you are going to have to have a talk with him and Julian... because Julian believes you dream of having a child with him."

"Today can't get any worse." I said aren't a groan.

"The day isn't over yet." He said before signing off.

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