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We soon made it back to the bridge and I glared at Q.

"You'll do whatever I say?" Q asked happily.

"It seems I did make that bargain." Picard said softly.

"The agreement isn't valid, sir. It wasn't Q that saved us." Deanna said softly.

"Save yourself. It may attack you now." Q said quickly.

"It was that which sent us back, Captain." I said pointing to the ship.

"Yes sir. It is not merely a vessel, sir. Somehow it is alive." Deanna said softly.

"She lies. Destroy it while you have a chance. Make phasers and photon torpedoes ready." Q ordered.

"No! Do nothing he demands." Picard snapped.

"Captain, that thing was killing my people!" Zorn exclaimed.

"Was there a reason?" Picard asked calmly.

"It is an unknown, Captain. Isn't that enough?" Q asked softly.

"If you'd earned that uniform you're wearing, you'd know that the unknown is what brings us out here." Picard snapped.

"Wasted effort, considering the human intelligence."

"Let's test that. Beginning with the tunnels you have under Farpoint, Groppler."

"Identical to the ones on the space vessel lifeform over there. Why was it punishing you, Groppler?" Riker asked.

"In return for some pain you'd given another creature?" Picard asked calmly.

"We've done nothing wrong. It was injured. We helped it." Zorn said sadly.

"Thank you. That was the missing part. Lieutenant Yar, rig main phaser banks to deliver an energy beam." Picard ordered.

"Aye, sir." Tasha said with a smile.

"You're right, Captain. It has to be conceivable that somewhere in this galaxy there could exist creatures able to convert energy into matter." Riker said calmly.

"And into specific patterns of matter, just as our transporters do."

"On the viewer, Captain!" Tasha exclaimed.

I looked up and smiled as I saw the vessel transforms into a giant space jellyfish.

"Groppler, you captured something like that, didn't you?" Picard asked calmly.

"Warn my people, please, to leave Farpoint Station immediately!" Zorn begged.

"He lies, Captain. Shouldn't you let his people die?" Q asked as he walked up to him.

"Transmit the message, leave Farpoint Space Station immediately." Picard said as he looked at me.

I nodded my head and quickly transmitted it.

"Then it was a pair of creatures I was sensing. One down there in grief and pain, the other up here, filled with anger." Deanna said softly.

"And firing not on the new space station, but on the Bandi and their city." Data said softly.

"Attacking those who had captured, its mate." Picard said softly.

"Energy beam ready, sir." Tasha said softly.

"Lock it in on Farpoint Station."

"I see now it was too simple a puzzle. Generosity has always been my weakness." Q said softly.

"Let it have whatever it can absorb. Energise." Picard ordered.

"Now getting feedback on the beam, sir." Tasha said softly.

"Discontinue. Groppler Zorn, there'll soon be no Farpoint Station, if I'm right about this." Picard said with a smile.

"A lucky guess." Q said with a frown.

I smiled as I watched Farpoint transforms into another space jellyfish and join its mate.

"Please believe me, we meant no harm to the creature. It was starving for energy." Zorn exclaimed.

"Which your world furnishes you in plenty."

"We did feed it."

"Only enough to keep it alive, so that you could force it to shape itself into whatever form you needed!" Picard snapped.

We watched the second jellyfish take off, and go towards its mate. I smiled as I saw them touch tendrils, lovingly, before leaving.

"Sir! Wonderful! A feeling of great joy. And gratitude. Great joy and gratitude, from both of them." Deanna exclaimed.

"Why do you use other lifeforms for recreation?" Picard asked softly.

"If so, you've not provided the best." Q said with a frown.

"Leave us! We've passed your little test." Picard ordered.

"Temper, temper, mon Capitaine."

"Get off my ship."

"I do so only because it suits me to. But I will not promise never to appear again.... good day Commander, may we meet again." Q said as he sent me a wink before disappearing.

I let out a sigh of relief as he disappeared.

"I've never been more happier to see someone leave." I said as I shook my head.

"That we can agree on." Worf said softly.

I nodded my head and crossed my arms over my chest. My shift was soon over and I left to get some sleep. Before I could lay down I heard a knock on my door. I let out a sigh as I walked up to it and opened it.

"Worf? What can I do for you?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I came to apologize.. I shouldn't of acted the way I did. I over stepped my boundaries." He said softly.

"Why did you act like that? I mean.... I'm just a half breed... so I don't see why you care so much." I said as I turned away from him.

"I didn't mean it like that... I just.. I was trying to push you away."

"Why? Have I not proved to you that I love you?"

"Loving me won't change anything.... I'm sorry... I just, I don't see us going anywhere. I wish it could be different." He said as he turned and walked out of the room.

"I wish it could be different too." I said softly.

After awhile I made my way to the Captain's chambers and gently knocked on his door.

"Come in!" He called.

I walked in and sent him a smile as I leaned against the door.

"Are you here to say I was an ass?" He asked calmly.

"You were one, but no that's not why I am here." I said as I walked up to him and set down.

"Then what is it?" He asked as I set on the bed.

"How do you know the good doctor?"

"I knew her husband."

"Old friend?"

"He died because of me."

"That's no true."

"How would you-"

"Mind reader." I said cutting him off with a gentle smile.

"What happened with you and Worf?"

"To different... maybe he is right. I mean I am a lot younger then him." I said with a frown.

"You will find someone. That I know."


"Because I have never had the privilege of watching such a amazing woman grow up, and I'm not just saying that because your grandfather is a good friend of mine." He said with a smile.

"So... you really have to get better with kids."

He rolled his eyes and I let out a laugh.

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