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We landed and I watched as Croden rushed away.

"Hurry. This way." He said calmly.

"Croden! Slow down, Croden. Stay where I can see you. Croden! What's your hurry? What's in here?" Odo asked angrily.

"I told you. The colony."

"Anxious to see them again, are you?" Odo asked with a frown.

"Yes. Of course."

"Whatever it is you came here for, you can forget it. We're leaving."

"No!" He yelled as Odo slammed him against the wall.

"Now! How much of it was true? Any of it? Any of it?"

"No. No. On Rakhar, we tell stories about changelings. I thought they were myths until I met you."

"The stone."

"I have no idea where it came from. Rakhari merchants buy stones just like it from off-world traders. It's used as a key." Croden said calmly.

"A key to what?"

"To my only reason for living. And it's ahead, in that cavern there." Croden said softly.

"Odo, maybe we should go. It could be important." I said softly.

"Fine. Lead the way." Odo said as he pushed him forward.

We made it inside and I saw a box. We rushed towards it and he started to remove some rocks.

"Please, help me. There's been a cave-in." He said as I helped him.

"What is it?" I asked softly.

"A stasis chamber." Croden said as he brushed off some dust.

I looked down and saw a little girl.

"It's my daughter, the only member of my family I could save. Help me."

"It shapes itself to fit the lock." Croden explained.

He opened the door and the girl look up.

"Father? I was dreaming about you."

"I'm here now, Yareth. You don't have to dream anymore." Croden said softly.

"Hello." She said as she looked at us.

"This is Maria, a friend and this is Odo. He's a security officer. No, no, he's not going to hurt you. He's going to take you to a place where you'll be safe. Won't you?"

Odo nodded his head and I sent her a gentle smile.

"Where are you going?" She asked as she looked at him.

"I'm going home." Croden said softly.

"But you can't. They'll kill you."

"Yareth, I must answer for my crimes."

"But all you did was try to protect us." She said through tears.

I heard a crash and Odo quickly covered me with his body.

"Their sensors must have picked up our life signs. We've got to get back to the runabout." Odo called as he helped me up.

We went to leave but a rock fell from the roof onto Odo, and knocked him out.

"Odo!" I yelled as I cradled his head.

"Is he badly hurt?" The girl asked.

"There's no way to tell. I don't know anything about his species. I'll carry him back to the ship." Croden said softly.

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