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For the remainder of the time I spent it in my room ignoring everyone. I was relieved when I learned that Deanna wouldn't be leaving, but I was heartbroken to learn that my parents would be returning to Vulcan on our ship.

"Are you alright Commander?" Picard asked looking at me.

"Perfectly fine sir." I said softly.

"Good." He said softly.

My parents soon came to the bridge and I internally groaned.

"Ambassador, Lady Kestra, it is good to see you both." Picard said with a smile.

"You as well, Captain." Kestra said softly.

"Sir we have a transmission from Star Fleet." Geordi said softly.

"Answer it then."

A man came into screen and I frowned as he fixed his camera. He had jet black hair and blue eyes.

"Captain Picard." He said calmly.

"Captain Eric, what can I do for you?"

"I must borrow one of your crew members. I have a mission that needs someone with her expertise." He said calmly.

"And who might that be?"

"Commander Maria."

"May I ask what help you need from me, Captain Eric?" I asked softly.

"There is a planet that has technology that no one on my ship understands, I know you have studied about every tech non to man and I hope to borrow you... it would only be for a short while, this I swear." He said with a smile.

"I have important business here that I must-"

"It isn't a choice, Star Fleet is ordering you to come with me Commander." He said cutting me off.

"Captain, Commander Maria is a part of my crew, should she not wish to join you-"

"It's alright Captain, it appears they must really need my help, and it would be cruel of me to not give them a hand." I said softly.

"Alright, but you better bring my science officer back!" Picard snapped as he glared at Captain Eric.

"I promise she is in good hands." He said with a gentle smile.

"Maria, love long and prosper." My father said as he Vulcan saluted me.

"The same to you." I said before turning and walked out of the station.

I let out a sigh as I started to pack. I picked up a picture of a teenager with vulcan ears and the frown on his face. He had black hair and blue eyes. He was repairing a generator.

"Brother, how I miss you." I whispered before I put the picture in my bag.

I heard my door open and turned to see Wesley.

"So you're leaving?" He asked softly.

"It should only be a few weeks... maybe a month. I'll be back before you know it." I said as I squeezed his shoulder.

"I'll miss you." He said softly.

"I'll miss you too... be good and do what your mother asks of you." I said as I hugged him.

I pulled away and smiled softly as I saw Tasha outside my door.

"Here, I took it when I came on bridge." He said handing me two pictures.

One was of me and everyone working and the other was of me and Wesley with his mother.

"So you have us with you." He said with a smile.

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