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I watched as Nog ran from Odo's quarters and I smiled as I saw Odo lead Jake and a girl out. Sisko led them away and I followed Odo into his quarters.

"I swear those kids-"

"Go easy, they were trying to impress the girl." I said with a laugh.

He rolled his eyes and I smiled softly.

"Haven't you ever seen a pretty girl and done something stupid to impress her?" I asked with a smile.


"That's it, you need a girlfriend."

"And you need a life."

"Why think you." I said playfully.

He rolled his eyes and I turned and left. I let out a sigh as I waited for Julian to return. I soon saw Sisko say good bye to the girl with the boys and held back a laugh as Odo dragged them away.

"You know, Chief, this is going to make a fantastic story to tell around the station." Julian said as he and O'Brien walked up to me.

"Not for me. I've had my fill of storytelling for the time being."

"Well, I hope you won't mind if I mention it." Julian said with a smirk.

"Suit yourself, Julian."

"Oh, and Chief, on second thoughts, you don't really have to call me Julian." He said as he walked up to me.

"Right you are, sir." O'Brien said softly.

"You seem to of had fun." I said with a laugh.

"Oh do I have a story to tell you." He said as he led me into his quarters.

I set down and laughed as he told me about what had happened.

"They thought... oh I can't!" I yelped out as I held my sides.

"I know. It was hilarious... I couldn't believe it myself." He said with a laugh.

"Did you have to torture O'Brien though?"

"Torture? My dear He should of been thrilled to of spent time with me." Julian said as he threw his hand over his heart.

I shook my head and pulled my knees to my chest.

"So how is everything with Dax?"

"I am taking your advise... I'm moving on. I think I've found someone.. who I think I might have a chance with." He said softly.


"Not important." He said with a smile.

"Come on! I'm your friend you can tell me." I said with a laugh.

He shook his head and sent me a smile.

"Not happening."

"Julian! Tell me!"

He shook his head no and I climbed into his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Julian Subatoi Bashir, you tell me no-"

I was cut off by him slamming his lips against mine. I let out a gasp and my eyes went wide as I felt his hands on the back of my head. After a few seconds I kissed him back. He let out a groan as he pulled me closer. I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck and let out a sigh.

"It's you." He whispered against my lips.

"I've been waiting weeks for you to say that." I said before leaning up and reconnecting our lips.

He quickly picked me up and carried me to his bed.

"Julian... wait... stop.. we need to take this slow." I said as I put my hand to his chest.

"Right.... sorry sorry." He said as he moved away.

"It's okay... just.. let's go slower." I said with a laugh.

He nodded his head and sent me a smile.

"So... dinner?"

"I'd love to." I said as he stood up and offered me his hand.

I took it and he pulled me up. We left to Quark's and ordered something to eat. I felt eyes on us and turned my head to see Odo watching us. I shook my head and continued to talk to Julian. After dinner I walked with Julian through the station.

"So I saw Odo staring." He said softly.

"Probably thought we were planing mass murder." I said with a laugh.

"Or was jealous."

I sent him a look and he let out a laugh.

"Come on everyone knows you and he are close. I wouldn't be surprised if he liked you." He said playfully.

"Julian, he doesn't like me." I said softly.

"Even if he did, I have you. So he loses." He said as he leaned down and gently kissed me.

I smiled against his lips and pulled him closer. He wrapped his arms around me and sent me a smile.

"Bashir to bridge."

"Duty calls." He said as he pulled away.

I shook my head and smiled as he walked away. I let out a sigh and turned and walked towards my quarters. I laid in bed and let out a sigh as I tried to go to sleep. I closed my eyes and when I woke up it was to arms around me. I let out a sigh and rolled over.

"Julian what are you-"

"Julian?" A voice asked.

I looked up and my eyes went wide as I saw Odo.

"Odo... how are you-"

"Sweetheart you must be having another weird dream."

I heard crying and he stood up.

"Our daughter must be up. I got her." He said as he walked away.

"What?" I asked as he left the room.

"Okay... I'm dreaming. I have to be." I said as I pinched my arm.

"Stop that, you might hurt yourself." He said as he walked into the room with a toddler.

"I'm totally dreaming." I said as he handed the child to me.

He sent me a smile and leaned down to kiss me, but I was shook awake. I shot up and looked around to see that I was alone in my room.

"Great." I said as I rubbed my face.

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