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It had been awhile since Odo had become a human and he had changed a lot, instead of doing his job he spent most of the time at the bar and after awhile I had enough and forced Sisko to take him on a job. I walked into the medstation and smiled as I saw Odo in the form of a Klingon.

"I must say... looking good." I said as I fixed his shirt.

"So you still like Klingons?"

"No I like you... any form, any size." I said as I played with his hair.

"I use to could do that."

"Odo, sweetheart.... you are no different then before. You may of lost your shifting, but you are still my Odo." I said as I took his hand.

"You're just saying that because you like how I'm warm."

"I didn't fall in love with you because of you being a Changeling, I fell in love with you because you are the greatest man alive and I love you." I said as I touched his face.

"You aren't to bad yourself." He said as he leaned down and kissed me.

"Speaking of, are you guys going to actually have a wedding?" Sisko asked calmly.

"Of course and I was thinking... next month?"

"Perfect." I said as I sent Odo a smile.

"Good." He said as he leaned down and pecked my lips.

They all left leaving me alone with the girls. We spent most of the time making plans for the wedding.

"You should invite your parents." Kira said softly.

"I would love to.... but they think I'm dead."

"You think Lwaxana didn't tell them?" Dax asked softly.

"True, Alright I'll invite them... and my old crew. I'd love to have them here." I said softly.

She nodded her head and I got to work on sending invites. The first being to my lovely aunt.

"Auntie." I said as she answered my call.

"You're getting married." She said with a smile.

"How did you-"

"I know that glow. When is the wedding?"

"Next month.. do you think you could contact my parents and invite them for me?"

"Of course and I'll contact Picard as well." She said softly.

"Thank you, you are the best." I said before signing off.

It wasn't long before they returned and I met them in the medstation.

"Now, that's better, isn't it?" Julian said with a smile.

"I don't know. I could do without ridges but I kind of miss the fangs. That leaves you, Odo." Sisko said as he looked at Odo.

"It's about time. I, for one, won't miss the fangs at all." Odo said calmly.

"You know, Constable, I could give you any face you like. Bajoran, human, Trill." Julian said calmly.

"My old face will do very nicely, thank you."

"If he hadn't of said it, I would of. No way is he changing his face." I said with a laugh.

"Whatever you say." Julian said with a frown.

After Odo was finished we went home.

"I love you." He said softly.

"And I love you."

"You know I was thinking and.... Julian said I was practically fully human."


"That means I should be able to have a child... we should be able to have a child." He said with a smile.

A smile broke off on my face and I pulled him into a deep and passionate kiss.

"We should wait until after the weddin-"

"I'm not waiting another second." He said cutting me off.

I smiled as he picked me up and carried me into our quarters.


I smiled as I looked at the dress that Garak had made. It was beautiful, it was white with yellow flowers and blue trim.

"Why the blue trim?" Kira asked as I spun around.

"My father was a science officer like me, he wore blue." I explained.

"I bet he will love that."

"I'm sure he would... if he was coming." I said as I let out a sigh.

"Your father isn't coming to your wedding?"

"Things aren't going well on Romulan." I said softly.

"Still it's his daughter's wedding!"

"And I picked to have it on the worse day of our lives." I said softly.

"What do you mean?" Dax asked softly.

"Next week is the anniversary of my brother's disappearance... he was twenty." I said as I set down.

"I didn't know you had a brother." Kira said as she set beside me.

"He was every bit a Vulcan... more so then my father, but he had his moments when he would show human emotions... but it was only when I was around."

"What happen?"

"Scientific discovery. He and a group of Vulcans left to travel and... we lost contact with them." I said as I felt a tear stream down my face.

"I am so sorry." Kira said as she hugged me.

"I wish he could be here... to see me marry the love of my life." I said softly.

"He is... right here." Dax said as she put her hand over my heart.

I sent her a smile and pulled both of them into a hug.

"Thank you for being the greatest friends a girl could have." I said softly.

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