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I watched the ship and looked back down at my screen.

"There is no computer record of any such vessel, sir. Nothing even close." I said as I looked at the Captain.

"Still no response, sir. We've done everything but threaten them." Worf said calmly.

"Sensor scans, Commander Maria." Picard ordered.

"Our sensor signals seem to just bounce of- Something's happening, sir. They're firing on Farpoint, sir!" I exclaimed.

"Bring photon torpedoes to ready!" Picard ordered.

"Wait, sir. They're hitting the old Bandi city, not Farpoint Station." I explained.

Picard soon contacted Riker and I quietly waited for answers.

"Compliments on that, Doctor. Any questions? Starfleet people are trained to render aid and assistance whenever-"

Picard was cut off by a voice that I knew all to well.

"But not trained in clear thinking." Q said from beside me.

"Let's consider your thoughts. You call us savages and yet you knew those people down there would be killed. It is your conduct that is uncivilised." Picard snapped.

"Sir, they're firing on the planet again." Worf said quickly.

"Go to manoeuvring jets. Position us between that vessel and the planet. Force fields full on."

"Aye, sir. Impulse power to- We have no ship control, sir. It's gone!" Worf said as he looked at the screen shocked.

"You are doing this." I said as I glared at Q.

"Commander? Would I ever do such a thing?"

"Yes you would. Now give us power back to our ship!" I snapped.

"Want to go back on ice?"

Worf quickly stood in front of me and I sent him a glare.

"I see someone is protective." Q said with a smirk.

"First officer to Enterprise. We've lost Zorn. Something like a transporter beam seems to have snatched him away." Riker said through the com.

"Question, sir, could it be this Q?" Riker asked after a few seconds.

"None of you knows who transported him. You're running out of time, Captain." Q said calmly.

"Captain, suddenly I'm sensing something else. Satisfaction. Enormous satisfaction." Deanna said softly.

"From the same source as before?" Picard asked calmly.

"No, that was on the planet. This is much closer."

"Excellent, Counsellor. He's such a dullard, isn't he?" Q asked playfully.

"Captain from Transporter Room. First Officer and Mister Data have beamed aboard."

"Excellent also. Perhaps with more of these little minds helping-"

"That is enough, damn it!" Picard snapped.

"Have you forgotten that we have an agreement?" Q asked playfully.

"An agreement which you are at this moment breaking by taking over our vessel, interfering with the captain's decisions. Either leave or finish us." Picard snapped.

"Temper, temper, mon Capitaine. I'm merely trying to assist a pitiful species. But perhaps I will leave if Commander Riker provides me with some amusement." Q said with a smirk as Riker walked onto the bridge.

"Do nothing that he asks." Picard ordered as he looked at Riker.

"But I ask so little, and it's so necessary if you're to solve all this. Beam over there with your what do you call it? Your away team."

"I'll risk none of my crew on that unknown." Picard growled out.

"You should already know what you'll find there. Or perhaps it's too adult a puzzle for you."

"With all respect, Captain, I want to beam over there." Riker said softly.

"You show promise, my good fellow." Q said with a smile.

"Have you understood any part of what he's tried to tell you? Humanity is no longer a savage race." Riker asked calmly.

"But you must still prove that... oh and I'm glad that you are well Commander Maria, would hate to ruin that pretty face." Q said as he sent me a wink.

Worf let out a growl and Q let out a chuckle before disappearing.

"At least you impressed him, Number One. That's hopeful." Picard said calmly.

"Thank you, Captain. Captain, if he's not open to evidence in our favour, where will you go from there?" Riker asked softly.

"I'll attend to my duty." Picard said calmly.

"To the bitter end?"

"I see nothing so bitter about that." Picard said as he left the bridge.

I let out a sigh as I turned and got back to working.

"Next time Q is here, stay by my side." Worf said as he walked up to me.

"I'm not a child Worf, I don't need you protecting me." I said angrily.

"That was an order." Worf growled out.

"An order! Last I checked Worf, I out ranked you!" I snapped as I pushed past him and walked towards the lift.

"Commander Riker, I'll be joining you on the away party." I said before I left the bridge.

We soon beamed over to the other ship and made our way through it. We soon found Zorn and I helped him out of his prison.

"Thank you! Thank you!" He said as he hid his face in my chest.

I pushed him away and stood up, allowing Tasha to check him over. I crossed my arms over my chest and listened to him.

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