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I walked into the bar and frowned as I saw Rom and a few other Ferengi.

"Rom, May I speak to you?" I asked softly.

I saw all of them stop and gawk at Rom.

"Of course."

"In private."

I saw someone faint and I rolled my eyes. Rom led me away and I crossed my arms over my chest.

"You are putting your son back in school." I said sternly.

"Excuse me? And who do you think you are?" He growled out.

"The woman who if you don't will give you a visit to the good ole doctor." I said as I lifted him up.

"Okay! Okay! Just don't hurt me!" He begged.

I dropped him and cleared my throat.

"Now, have a good day." I said as I turned to leave.

"Why do you care so much?"

"Because your son is a great young man and he deserves the chance to make something of his life." I said before walking out of the room.

I left the bar and bumped into someone.

"Sorry.. oh Odo my apologies." I said softly.

"Why where you at Quark's?"

"I had to speak to Rom about his son."

"What about his son?" He asked with a frown.

"He took his son out of school and I simply, explained why it would be good to allow his son back into school." I said with a smile.

"And why would you care so much about a Ferengi?"

"You know Constable, you ask a lot of questions. One might wonder why you are here?"

"Chief of Security and I'm doing my job." He said before pushing past me.

"Of course you are." I said as I shook my head.

I let out a sigh as I walked through the station. I stopped at a station and got a pop.

"Sweet tooth?" A voice asked.

I turned and smiled as I saw Sisko.

"Helps me think. Want one?" I asked softly.

"No, but thank you. Jake told me what you did for Nog." He said softly.

"No deserves the chance to get study like every other kid here." I said softly.

He nodded his head and I leaned back against the railing.

"That isn't why you are here though. Is it?"

"No, I want to offer you a job... only if you want. See we don't have a science officer here, and could use one." He said softly.

"So you want me as your science officer?"

"Only if you want. I know you probably want to return to your ship."

"Can I think I over?"

"Take all the time you need. Also the Enterprise will be here this afternoon." He said with a smile.

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