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I let out a sigh as I walked onto the bridge, it had been sometime since the encounter on Farpoint and I was ready for shore leave. I saw Worf at his station and I quickly passed him and walked towards mine. Since we had talked in my quarters I had made it my mission to stay away from him.

"Riker says the planet's life forms are almost identical to us." Picard said softly.

"He's very enthusiastic." Deanna said with a smile.

I heard the lift doors open and looked up to see Doctor Crusher walk in. I sent her a smile and a nod as she walked up to Picard.

"Captain? Sorry, Troi." She said softly.

"The Doctor has something very important to tell you, Captain." Deanna said softly.

"You've been talking about it for days. Shore leave for the crew." Picard said with a smile.

"Establishing that colony has been exhausting for the entire crew, Captain. We're not a supply vessel. Settling all those people has been a strain on everyone. I'm tired myself." She said softly.

"She has a point Captain. Even I'm exhausted." I said as I sent him a smile.

"Now that I didn't expect to hear." He said with a chuckle.

"Even Vulcan's get tired."

"You mean, Vulcan, human, Betazoid's?" He asked playfully.

I rolled my eyes and he let out a laugh. It wasn't long before Riker, Data and Tasha entered the room and Tasha sent me a playful wink.

"Is it as good as your report suggests, Number One?" Picard asked as he stood up.

"As per report, sir. Class M, Earth-like, beautiful. It will startle you." Riker said happily.

"It sounds wonderful for the children. The holodecks are marvellous, of course, but there's nothing like open spaces and fresh air." Crusher said with a smile.

"I've listed my report on their customs and laws, sir. Fairly simple, common sense things." Tasha said with a smile.

"They're wild in some ways, actually puritanical in others. Neat as pins, ultra-lawful, and make love at the drop of a hat." Geordi said with a smile.

"Any hat." Tasha said as she looked at the ground.

"But the happiest report has its negatives. Let's start with them, Number One." Picard said calmly.

"There are none, sir. Not that any of us can find." Riker explained.

"But there is a problem here, sir." Data said calmly.

"It's the faulty reading I reported, sir." Worf said calmly.

"I'm reading something off the starboard now, but there is nothing there." Data said calmly.

"Sensor technicians are working on it, sir. They've identified it as a glitch in the system." I said with a small smile.

"I take it you find no glitch at all in this planet, however?" Picard asked with a chuckle.

"No, sir." Riker said calmly.

"If you approve shore leave, sir, we could start with a small group." Tasha said calmly.

"Of course. Wesley? If we go down, I'd like you to join the away team to evaluate this world as a place for young people to relax." Picard said as he looked at him.

"Yes, sir." Wesley said as he sent me a smile.

"If our scans and observations confirm the report, of course I'll approve it. Let's hope it is not too good to be true." Picard said as he set back down on his chair.

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