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"STOP! GET AWAY FROM ME DEMON!" the man shouted as he was running away from something, or someone in this case. He kept on running as he was frantically looking back. It seemed like the thing he was running away from disappeared.

"Phew, that was a close one." the man breathed out. And with that a dark figure landed from above. "You sure about that?" he laughed in an evil voice. The mysterious creature had a relatively deep voice. "NO! YOU WON'T FEED OFF OF ME DEMON!" The man grabbed a cross from his jacket and started showing it for defense.

"You sure are a fool. Like that shit you old fucks get from the Bible would work anyways." The creature rolled his blood red eyes. As he emerged from the shadows the man's expression turned into full fright. The so called 'demon' looked like a normal teenager, only his eyes were dark red. It was filled with rage, hunger, mischief and cruelty. As he was smiling his huge white fangs showed, he had two sided fangs which meant that he was a full blood. The man obviously didn't know that. His eyes were focused on the monster's deadly sharp claws.

 His eyes were focused on the monster's deadly sharp claws

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"Please don't do this

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"Please don't do this..." the man fell to his knees and pleaded. "Now you are begging. So fucking original." he rolled his eyes. "As much as I like chatting with you, I need my meal which happens to be you so suck it up fucker." an evil grin was plastered across his face.

The creature didn't let the man reply. He leaped forward and with a quick move he dug his claws into the shoulders of the man. The man immediately started to bleed, causing him to scream. "See my friend, this is my favorite part. Hearing all of them scream in agony as I destroy them. That sure is the best part." he smirked before digging his double sided fangs into the neck of his victim.

The man's scream started to fade with the cold night breeze. Eventually he stopped moving and accepted his brutal fate. Finally, the cross he was holding fell out of his hand. The man was dead.

"Couldn't you find a better place to terrorize and murder people?" A sudden voice asked. The mysterious creature looked up from the dead body, licking his bloody lips.

"Shut the fuck up Hwa, I was hungry. Now, get lost so that I can finish my god damn meal aye?" the monster answered. The new come stranger just laughed at the annoyed boy. "Love you too brother Sangie." he ruffled the boy's hair. "Stop calling me nicknames." the boy demanded. "Alright, alright, I will leave you alone but get home after you are done." The friendlier creature smiled at the boy and left.

Blood To All / JongsangWhere stories live. Discover now