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San's pov:

When I got back to our apartment I definitely wasn't expecting to see Yeosang and Jongho cuddled up to each other on the couch. The two were sharing a bowl of popcorn while watching some zombie movie on Netflix.

When they saw my surprised face Yeosang just rolled his eyes per usual and Jongho smiled. Before I could say anything Jongho spoke up. "We made up." He said and focused his attention back on the movie.

"Is Chan still here?" The moment I mentioned the siren's name Jongho's bright smile disappeared and Yeosang's eyes glowed in a warning, bright red color. "Uhm... Can we not talk about him please..." Jongho said and snuggled up to Yeosang. "What happened?" I asked, still having no clue about what happened just an hour ago. "That son of a bitch who you call friend assaulted Jongho!" Yeosang spat and gave me a deadly look.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I knew Chan was a lot to handle but I never would have imagined him to do such thing. "Jongho, is that true?" I asked the now slightly shaking boy. He slowly nodded. It was visible that he was trying to keep his tears from falling. Before I could go to my room to call Chan, Yeosang spoke again.

"If you meet Chan again, don't you ever let him get near Jongho. If I didn't arrive in time... things would have gotten way worse." He said in a serious tone. I nodded in response and left to my room. The moment I entered the messy bedroom I closed the door and grabbed my phone. I dialed Chan's number, only for it to go straight to voicemail. I cursed under my breath.

I really couldn't believe that Chan tried to hurt Jongho. I thought he was trustworthy, guess I was wrong. The more I was thinking about it, the angrier I got. Before I knew it, I was down on my knees. I tried to keep in my screams but shifting really hurt. Luckily it went faster than usual.

Once I was in my wolf form I didn't need to fight my anger. See the thing is, most half-blooded wolfs have serious anger issues. I was pacing back and forth in my room, growling. Jongho was already used to my tantrums but I could hear Yeosang saying 'What the fuck is he doing?!'.

Just when I was about to calm down, I saw someone with a phone, standing by my window. He was probably recording. The wave of anger hit me harder than before and I growled even more. My ears were pinned back and my teeth were out, ready to be used any minute.

 My ears were pinned back and my teeth were out, ready to be used any minute

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I ran through my window, breaking the glass and leaped out. The wounds the glass pieces made didn't't bother me, my anger was too overwhelming. The guy ran and ran, deep into the forest next to our apartment. I was running behind him, growling and howling. I could hear Yeosang running behind me shouting 'San calm down' but he was also familiar with the fact that it's close to impossible to calm down an angered werewolf.

Just when I was about to jump on the guy, a portal opened and sucked the guy in. I fell to the ground with a harsh thud and whined. Yeosang stopped suddenly and crouched down to me. "Are you alright?" He asked. I nodded my head and stood up. My legs hurt from the sudden fall not to mention the shards that were in my back. "Fucking son of a bitch." Yeosang cursed. "He definitely wasn't a normal human or hunter. He  must have known that someone was waiting for him with a portal." Yeosang was right.

"Come on, let's go back to Jongho." As much as I wanted to stay to look for clues I knew there was nothing to look for. I followed Yeosang back, limping slightly.

Yeosang's pov:

When we arrived back I told Jongho what happened in the woods. San changed back with bit of a struggle this time. We treated his wounds which took bit of a time. "We have to fix your window now Sannie." Jongho laughed while San was sulking. My phone suddenly started ringing, showing Hanbin's contact.

"Hey what's up?" I asked the wizard. "Hey Sangie, so I'm in the woods with this Younghyun kid and we have found their old place. Can you and San come here? Brian's sense of smell is not as good as yours." Hanbin said. "Wait who's Brian?" I asked. "Oh it's Younghyun's English name which he hates apparently." Hanbin let out an evil chuckle while Younghyun was cursing. "Ah okay, we are on our way." I said and hung up.

"Get ready guys, we are going to the forest again." I announced. San sighed as he stood up to get some clothes. "Won't you call Seonghwa and Hongjoong as well?" Jongho asked. "Hmm, I guess we could use extra help." I said and hugged my boyfriend. It was still weird to call him that. I honestly didn't think he could ever forgive me after what I made him go through. But here we are.

While the two were getting ready I texted Seonghwa to meet us here and he gladly agreed. Unfortunately he couldn't bring Hongjoong since the red head had college exams to study for. I felt sorry for the poor guy.

When Seonghwa arrived I greeted him with a small hug which he gladly returned. It's been long since we last hung out, even though we were living in the same house. He was busy with work and I was busy with school. It was great to have him by my side again. "Hey Seonghwa, looking good." San greeted my brother. "Thanks Sannie." The older smiled. Now that San mentioned it, Hwa did look fresh. He was wearing a red and grey shirt with black earrings. He had a laced black choker decorating his neck which matched his raven black hair. His red eyes glowed with life. His whole look screamed royalty.

Once everyone was ready to go we exited the apartment and headed towards the oh too familiar forest

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Once everyone was ready to go we exited the apartment and headed towards the oh too familiar forest. The first happy vibe turned into a more serious one, everyone was alert and more tense.

Why do I feel like we are going to be fighting our enemies soon?


I'm finally back!!!

Hope you guys enjoyed this short chap, I'm planning to bring the next part soon but school's starting again and I'm going to have less free time :((((

Anywho please check out Day6's new unit debut. The Book of Us:Gluon turned out to be so amazing, I'm so proud of Young K, Wonpil and Dowoon🌙💙

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