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The huge beast growled at us, ready to charge. I looked at Mingi, worry filling my gaze. "What should we do?" I asked him. "We should pray that this thing is not as powerful as it seems." He formed black orbs around himself and floated above the ground. I held my daggers, ready to use them any second. The green creature suddenly roared with an ear-piercing sound. I held my ears harshly since it was much more sensitive than Mingi's. 

As the goblin saw my sign of weakness it lurched forward, heading to my direction. Mingi luckily acted fast and managed to hit the beast's face with his sword. A deep cut appeared on it's cheeks but in a matter of second it fucking healed. "How can it do that?" I asked Mingi with a confused yet scared tone. I was never really scared of anything but the fact that this huge beast could heal itself really made me worried. I didn't know how to kill it, neither did Mingi. 

"We need help, we won't be able to beat it alone." Mingi said and I nodded. I ran upstairs and tried to find a well hidden spot. I grabbed the walkie talkie and tried reaching the others. "Seonghwa! We need instant back up right now! There's a mutant goblin in the basement which can fucking heal itself!" I yelled. After a minute or so the walkie talkie made some rattling sound and Seonghwa spoke. "We are coming, try to hold it off longer." He said and the line went silent. 

I sprinted back to Mingi who was severely wounded by the time I arrived. He was bleeding from several places. His blood was basically like some sort of lava which started burning the floor. Mingi was obviously weak so I gathered all of my power and threw my dagger to the bests direction. It landed in his back since it wasn't facing me. He made another ear-raping roar which made me light headed for a little.

It used that one second of unconsciousness as an advantage and threw me against the wall. It cracked deeply and I stood up with searing pain all over my body. I ran to the beast again and scratched it's throat open with my claws. The goblin made a sound like evil laughing and the thorn up flesh healed right back.

I groaned in frustration and tried to gather my thoughts for a quick second. If I can't kill him, I'm going to weaken him. I grabbed my second dagger and aimed precisely to the green monster which was running towards me. Suddenly, I threw the weapon which landed in the exact place I wanted it to go. The best roared in pain as it was holding it's bleeding eye.

"I fucking hope you can't heal an eye." I said. As I quickly checked Mingi who was passed out on the ground. I thought I weakened the goblin for a while but suddenly I was grabbed by the leg and held up. I was hanging upside down as the goblin was slowly crushing my leg with it's big hands. I screamed in pain as I tried to get out of it's hold. 

It laughed, despite the bleeding eye. Then when it was satisfied with my leg it smashed my body to the ground twice. I laid there, weak, hurt and bloody. I was praying for the others to arrive but no one came. 

"You... weak." The beast said in a very deep voice. It probably didn't speak our language, it only knew a few words. "Him... weak." He looked over Mingi who was slowly burning up the ground. Then it walked to me and grabbed my head. It made me look at him and it laughed again. "Dead bat." It slammed my head back to the ground. Then it kicked Mingi in the stomach and spoke again. "I get power." He raised his hand and started sucking out Mingi's powers, his hands absorbing the energy. Mingi started to get pale and I was desperate to do something. I couldn't let my friend die. This green fucker can't take his powers away without facing the consequences. 

The built up anger made something click inside me. I didn't feel pain anymore, only rage. I needed to protect Mingi from losing even more of his abilities. I could only focus on the green thing in front of me. I didn't even realize that I stood up or that my leg suddenly healed.

"We are not done yet!" I yelled with a demonic voice. I didn't realize that when I lurched forward, my legs were above the ground, floating. I didn't realize that my claws turned sharper, longer and darker. I didn't realize that my ears grow into real bat ears. I didn't realize that I wasn't running, instead I was flying. A pair of huge black leathery wing grew form my back. It was identical to a fruit bat's wing, the only difference was that at the end, two huge claws were ready to kill this green fucker. 

It didn't even have time to react to my sudden 'awakening'. With my newly formed claws I took his other eye as well, making it completely blind. Then I used my wing to fly on top of it and lay even more scratches and wounds on it's back. They didn't heal for some reason so I dug the two new claws in his back for balance while my actual claws were tearing the skin off. With a last big slash, the beast fell to it's knees and I tore his throat open, making it even deeper so that it wouldn't heal again. It's lifeless body fell on the ground and I made a satisfied sigh. "No one fucks around with my friends or me." I said. 

Mingi slowly got up and looked at me like I was a ghost. "Dude... your eyes..." He said with wide eyes. "What about them?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "They are black... not red." I said while eyeing my wings. I didn't know what was happening after that and I suddenly started getting dizzy. My head hurt very bad and I kept hearing some very loud noise in my ears. It was so painful that I thought that my ears were going to bleed. 

I slowly fell on the ground, my wings nowhere to be seen and I held my ears like a lunatic. "Yeosang, what's wrong?" I could faintly hear Mingi's yelling and the others running towards me. Then everything went black and all I could hear was plain silence.

"What's happening to me?....."


First of all I'm very sorry for not updating, online school has been killing me and consuming most of my time....

Luckily next week is spring break so I will have time to update this book, I really missed being active on Wattpad and reading your guys's comments.

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