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Yeosang's pov:

I was sitting in my cold and dark room, watching some random show on Netflix. I didn't really pay attention to what was happening, my mind was busy thinking about the past few weeks. I tried my best to ignore everything and everyone, even my own brother. It sounds ridiculous I know, but I really needed to clear my head out a little bit.

Just the whole rescuing Minho thing took a turn on me. My whole world changed, everything I knew about myself was considered bullshit. No vampire should be able to the thing I did down in the basement and it scared me to be honest. For the first time in hundreds of years I was feeling scared and unsure. I didn't know my own identity anymore, like something else was hidden deep inside me.

It's hard to explain and my mind is still fuzzy over what happened but when I supposedly 'changed' I felt something or someone inside me take control. Like a completely different being suddenly decided to take control of my body and I was unable to do anything about it. I remember that I was feeling angry, I was so pissed off at the beast for wanting to kill my friend that I just lost it.

I was thinking so hard about the past events that I didn't even realize that the episode I was watching ended. I sighed and shut my laptop off. It was 4 am already and I needed to sleep, even a few minutes would be enough. I didn't let myself fall asleep for obvious reasons. Firstly my thoughts just didn't seem to leave me alone and secondly I was anxious that in those few hours of unconsciousness the 'other me' would take control again.

Seonghwa did check on me once in a while, without much luck though. I was too stubborn to listen to anything he had to say. Out of the blue I saw a dark shadow pass right next to my window. I stood up and went closer to my window, checking for any signs left from the shadow. Then I started hearing sounds coming from the front door. It sounded like claws scratching the wood. A small smile formed on my lips once I realized who that dark shadow really was.

I opened the front door and let the black wolf in. He shook his fur and gave me a frightened look, his yellow eyes glowing in the dark. Pure fear was written on his face which wasn't calming at all. "What happened San?" I asked the wolf who just whimpered in return. I quickly ran to the bathroom and returned with a soft towel to wrap around the wolf's wet body. His paws were still drenched in snow.

I rubbed the soft material against the black fur until it was somewhat dry. He calmed down a bit but I could still hear his rapid heart beat. I could only wonder what made the black wolf so frightened.

He whimpered again and I realized that he was beginning to shift into human form again. The horrible howls and whimpers began as the black wolf slowly started to look like a human. After a few minutes I was seeing a blond haired boy instead of the black creature. He wrapped the towel around himself and cleared his throat.

"It's cold here." He complained and I playfully rolled my eyes. "Hello to you too, you're early though." I said. "I know, we have to talk immediately. I saw something out there." Fear was back in his eyes yet again. "Okay but first I'm going to give you some clothes to change into." He nodded and I helped him stand up.

San was visibly tired not to mention that he was slightly limping. He basically raided my closet once we were in my room. "You only have black clothes." He remarked. "What did you expect?" I said and he just scoffed. "Dunno, maybe some red of gray?" He looked at me and I just shrugged my shoulders. "Keep looking." I said. Eventually he chose a baggy shirt and some sweatpants for himself, all black of course.

I went to the kitchen to make some tea for the boy who still seemed to feel a bit uneasy. San slowly walked to the couch and snuggled up to a nearby pillow. Once the tea was done I poured it into two mugs and handed one go them to San.

"So tell me, what made you so terrified out there?" I asked him and he tensed at my question. "I went out for a jog in the forest to cool my nerves off a little bit. I had to work on a project with Jung fucking Wooyoung so I really needed to calm myself down, that kid is so annoying I swear to god." I chuckled at his comment and he continued his story. "Then I started hearing weird sound coming from a bush. When I got closer something horrifying came across me..." He paused.

"It looked incredibly skinny with pale skin, no hair at all. It's eyes were glowing in the dark and the scream it made gave me a literal heart attack." He continued his story and I listened closely.

"Did it look like a human or like an animal?" I asked. "I'd say it was humanoid, it was walking on two legs but it definitely was behaving like an animal." He took a pause to collect his thoughts while my brain processed all the information. "It chased me for a while but I was faster than it, thank god."

"I'm gonna tell Joong and Hanbin, they might have an idea about what could it be." I said and comforted the still shaking boy. "What's up with your leg?" I pointed to the leg he tried to cover from my gaze. "I got stuck into a wolf trap while I was running here." He looked at the ground in shame. "Who the fuck would put wolf traps in this forest?" I cursed. "Hunters." San simply replied. "We had to deal with them in the U.S as well." I rolled my eyes and tried not to look too pissed off.

"Tomorrow we're going to look for a few and collect them, I don't want you guys to get hurt out there. This forest is supposed to be a safe place for us yet these fuckers try to hurt us even here." I gritted my teeth as anger built up inside me. "I'm gonna talk to Seonghwa about it, it's finally time to show them who's boss." San nodded in return.

"There's another thing I wanted to talk about." San said and I turned my head towards his direction. "I'm listening." He cleared his throat before finally asking the question I hoped he wouldn't ask.

"Why are you ignoring Jongho?" He looked dead serious and it was my turn to get tense. To be honest, I didn't have a proper answer to his question. Why was I ignoring the said boy? I used to say that I 'wanted to clear my head out' but I knew that was a lie. I deeply regretted the way I left Jongho alone in the wooden house. I was the one who kissed him in the first place not the other way around. He should be the upset one not me.

"I-I don't know..." My voice was barely audible. "He makes it seem like he is happy but you don't know how many times he cried on my shoulder because of YOU." He emphasized the last word. I could feel piercing pain in my heart and I didn't even realize that a single tear rolled off my cheeks. It was the first time in years that I wanted to just cry and do nothing more.

"You need to apologize and sort things out. I hate to see the two of you like this. It's fucking obvious that the two of you have a thing going on, not just any thing, it's the strongest thing I've ever seen." San bragged and I quickly collected myself. "Stop saying 'thing' so much." I complained.

"You also need to sleep, you look dead. Not like usually, you really look like some fucking ghost." San pointed to my eyes which had huge bags under them. The lack of sleep really did make me feel even worse. "I don't want to feel like this." I whispered. San brought me into his arms and I laid my head on his chest. I wasn't a fan of physical contact but right now San's presence was everything I needed for comfort.

"It's going to be alright.... eventually....."


Ya'll if you still haven't checked it out, listen to Day6's new album, The Book of Us: The Demon cuz it's a literal masterpiece. Zombie is an amazing title track with deep and meaningful lyrics just like Afraid and Tick Tock. Day and Night has a calm and nice vibe with some Dowoon vocals. Love Me or Leave Me is my new fave song period. Stop and 1 to 10 is also amazing.

In conclusion, STAN DAY6 THANK YOU!

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