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Jongho's pov:

"We need to talk."

Mingi said with Yunho. The both of them looked serious, which wasn't really a good sign. "What happened?" San asked with a worried expression. Yunho sighed and looked at Mingi.

"It's about those vamps. They broke into Minho's house last night and kidnaped him." Yunho looked at us with a sad glare. "We suppose that they figured out he's close to Yeosang and that's why they took him away. They probably expect Yeosang to walk into their trap." Mingi scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Where is he exactly?" San asked and I could tell he was angry. "Hanbin tracked their location but it's still not sure that he's right. Mingi called his cousin to help us." Yunho said. "He is on his way from Los Angeles, Yeosang also knows him since they were childhood friends."

"He is a grim reaper." I remembered the explanation Yeosang gave about grim reapers. "But how can he help us exactly?" San still seamed confused. "Grim reapers are much more powerful than wizards, wolves or even vampires. Since he is my cousin he is partly demon as well. Just imagine all of these in one person. He can take souls, use all sort of magic, use portals and even have god-like powers." Mingi explained to San.

"Damn this kid definitely knows shit." San joked. "Yeah but you are gonna meet him in like minutes so I suggest ya'll to collect your stuff." Yunho looked at his watch. I sped to my room and collected the few pairs of clothes I had with myself. I tucked them into my backpack along with my charger and toothbrush. San did the same and we soon were ready to go.

"You guys were fast." Mingi said once he saw our backpacks and bags. Then he turned around and lifted both of his arms up. He murmured a few things in an unfamiliar language and then a light blue portal appeared. "Come on then." Yunho leaped into the portal like it's the most normal thing to do. San gave me a confused look and followed Yunho. I looked at Mingi and I tried to ignore his glowing light blue eyes. "After you." He told me.

I sighed and slowly walked towards the portal. It sucked me in like a vacuum and soon my head started spinning. It was very loud and bright so I had to close my eyes. Then suddenly I landed on my butt and I opened my eyes. We were in a huge black living room which had only black furniture.

Then I saw San, Yunho, Seonghwa, Hongjoong, Jisung and Yeosang looking at me. I tried to ignore Yeosang's intense glare as I stood up and greeted everyone. Then I came across a guy who was wearing a green hoodie and his eyes were emerald green. He was wearing o shaped glasses and he just gave me a friendly vibe.

"Hello, you must be Jongho. My name is Kim Hanbin, an old friend of Yeosang." He smiled at me. Even tho he really did give a nice first impression, I couldn't help but envy him for being that close to Yeosang.

"Nice to meet you Hanbin." I fake smiled and decided to be in the company of Seonghwa and Honjoong. "Hi Jongho." Hongjoong smiled and showed off his white teeth. "How have you guys been?" I asked the two of them. "Well these past weeks were pretty boring since we couldn't really leave our house." Hongjoong said.

"Actually, I'd like to tell you guys something. So San and I got attacked by vampires but then this werewolf called Taeyong showed up and helped us. He then showed us his pack and they were really friendly. Do you guys know anything about the Neo Pack?" I asked the two.

Seonghwa obviously looked irritated and Hongjoong was lost in his thoughts. "I've heard about them before. They are the most powerful pack in Seoul and they also protect most of the borders." Hongjoong explained while Seonghwa scoffed.

"You don't like them do you?" Hongjoong turned to his boyfriend. "I have my reasons not to like them. They are extremely judgmental towards vampires. They think that we kill every one just for the fun of it." Seonghwa rolled his eyes.

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