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The evening I spent with Jongho was rather comfortable. He was a nice person to hang out with. Eventually, he started yawning and rubbing his eyes. "Getting tired?" I asked him. He slowly nodded. "Okay, come with me." He slowly got up from the couch and dragged himself behind me. I led him to the guest bedroom.

"This is your room, good night." I said with an expressionless face. He thanked me and I left him, heading to my own bedroom. Obviously I wasn't tired so I decided to continue watching movies.

After 2 or 3 movies I got hella bored so I decided to check on the house cause why the fuck not. Thank god that I decided to do so.

I quietly tried to go to the kitchen, not to wake Jongho up. I searched the fridge for some remaining energy drinks and thank heavens for being able to find the last Hell on the top shelf. I quickly gulped down the whole thing, my addiction to it showing.

Then I started hearing quiet noises from the quest bed room. I frowned in confusion and slowly started walking towards it. Then I got hit with a familiar smell....

I growled and within seconds I changed to my vampire form. The smell of the mysterious vampire got even stronger. I could feel my anger building up with adrenaline and with the need to kill.

Just as I was about to open the door, I heard glass shattering and Jongho's scream. Without hesitation, I broke the door down and entered the room. Jongho was curled up on the bed with a terrified expression.

The dark figure turned around, his blood red eyes were piercing into my soul. He smirked once he stopped examining me. "Well hello there Kang." He growled at me. His words confused me to a new level but I was too pissed to care.

"Who the fuck are you?" I asked as I was thinking of ways to attack the fucker. "Oh I am no one important but you... you are famous my friend. My boss has been dying to meet someone as 'skilled' as you." His damn smirk never left his lips which was making me angrier.

"Get out before I show you how skilled I really am." My nails and fangs were out, ready to attack the uninvited guest. "I would feel honored to kill someone as powerful as the mighty 'Kang Yeosang'..." And with that, he leaped forward. He wanted to grab me by the neck but I was way too fast for him. I surprised him with my quick dodge and I used that one second for my benefit. I kicked one of his legs which ended up in him falling to the ground. I tried to grab the chance and push him to the ground even more which sadly failed. He kicked me by my stomach and I flew back, just to hit the wall. The kick was so powerful that it ended up cracking the wall.

The guy ran to me and tried to lay even more kicks and punches on me, all of them failed due to my swiftness. I could see that he was getting annoyed and his moves started becoming bigger but slower which gave me the perfect opportunity to cut him on several places with my nails. When I realized that his wounds weren't healing I smirked to myself.

"What a pity..." I smirked again and landed my nails on his face. I could feel his flesh ripping off and his agonizing scream. He was holding his bleeding eye while his legs were trembling. But I wasn't prepared for what he was about to do next.

He leaped to the bed and grabbed the terrified Jongho by his neck. My vision was getting blinded by the rage I was feeling. Seeing his hands on Jongho brought a different monster out of me. A way worse one...

"Let. Him. Go." My words were loud and clear. For a quick second I saw him hesitating, probably because I looked like fucking Death itself. But that hesitation didn't last for long and with a quick move he cut Jongo's cheek with his nails. I swear at that moment my blood boiled from all the anger I was feeling. Jongho's soft cries and whimpers was the last thing I took.

Without thinking I jumped up and knocked the guy down. I caught him by such surprise that he immediately let go of Jongho. I broke both of his legs as my usual fighting technique, his agonizing screams were music to my ears. "Not too powerful now are we?" I didn't even let him answer before I sliced his throat open. My pale fingers were now drenched in his blood and so were my clothes. I left him to suffer a bit more before I broke his head off. The sound was so uncomfortable yet so satisfying to hear.

His body rolled to the side but his head remained in my bloody hands. The expression on his face was frightening but to me it was the symbol of victory. I smirked at the head before saying a last sentence to it. "You have found out about my abilities mate..." I smirked for the last time and got up.

My satisfied mood left my body in a second once I saw a crying Jongho in the corner. "Oh fuck..." I completely forgot about him. Once he saw me his terrified expression disappeared... until he saw my bloody hands.

"Do-don't hurt me..." He sobbed. It kind of broke my heart to see him in such state. "What are you saying? I would never hurt you..." I tried to sound as calming as I could but the situation was making it a lot harder.

"But.. but you killed a man..." His eyes were pacing back and forth between the body and me. "He is not a man and he fucking tried to kill you." I tried not to raise my voice that much since he was still trembling from the fear. "You-you are also... what are you? Are you trying to suck my blood while I'm sleeping?" He was getting very scared so I tried my best to calm him down.

"Jongho look at me." I demanded. He didn't really have a choice since my tone was so serious. Once he looked into my red eyes I gave him a small but reassuring smile. "Baby... trust me, I would be the very last person on this Earth who would hurt you." His lips quirked upwards once he heard the pet name.

"Come on out, I will explain everything." He hesitantly stood up, eyeing the body. "Ah don't worry about that, Seonghwa will take care of it." He didn't question me. Once we reached the living room I sat him down on the couch and washed my bloody hands. That obviously made him feel easier around me.

"Please explain what happened back there..." He didn't sound that terrified as seconds ago. "I will explain everything but first, I want to treat that wound of yours." I went to the fridge and grabbed a small glass which had clear, sparkly liquid in it.

"What's that?" He looked curiously. "It will heal your wound don't worry." I gently poured the substance on his cheek and just like magic, it healed. "Does it hurt?" I asked with a worried tone. "No not at all, now explain." This kid is very demanding Jesus.

I collected my thoughts before taking a deep breath. This was the first time I told a human about my true identity. "I will show you first. Please don't freak out." I sighed and let the addictive power take over me. I closed my eyes and focused on my body. Nails sharp, skin pale, fangs doubled and eyes burning red. I didn't see his expression since I kept my eyes close. I heard his quickened breaths and heart beat. Finally I opened my eyes and looked at him.

 Finally I opened my eyes and looked at him

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"I'm a vampire..."


I'm sick so I have been watching Harry Potter all day...

also I will probably have a heart attack on Saturday....

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