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Yeosang's pov:

I carried a few logs into the cozy living room and placed them by the fireplace. It wasn't that cold yet but I knew that Jongho hated cold. I saw him examining the place while I was murmuring a spell. Hanbin taught me a few spells which could come useful.

"Want me to help?" Jongho offered. "No need, this shit should work according to Hanbin." I bluntly answered, without thinking about my words. "Wait, who's Hanbin?" He asked.

I immediately stopped what I was doing and turned around. "Uhm... he's an old friend of mine." I answered. "How come I haven't met him yet?" Jongho asked again. He has a thing for being hella nosy, I gotta say.

"He arrived not so long ago. We needed his help in identifying the guy who attacked you." I answered again. "We?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Mingi, Yunho, Minho, Jisung, Hongjoong and Seonghwa are all helping. It is highly likely that someone wants to find me, possibly turn me to their side." I sighed. I knew that it was necessary to tell him the truth that concerned him. The real reason I brought him here is to keep him safe. San told me a few days ago that two vampires were hunting in their neighborhood. He did manage to chase them away, but it still worried me.

"Are you guys in danger?" He also looked worried. "I don't think so. We teamed up to protect you, Hongjoong and Jisung since you guys can't defend yourselves from the vamps." He nodded. "That's why you brought me here right?" He looked a bit... disappointed? It made me feel a bit bad so I tried to lift the mood up.

"But hey, we can hang out here and have some fun. Nothing bad will happen trust me." I gave him a reassuring smile. "Okay..." He whispered. "What would you like to do?" I looked at him. "Do you have board games." He asked. I could see his eyes sparkle, he almost looked like a child who's waiting for their parents to say yes.

"Sure, I think we have ouija board, Monopoly and Uno." I looked around, trying to find the shelf which had the said games. "Okay I don't wanna fuck with spirits and demon ladies so ouija is a no. Let's play Monopoly first." He said. After I found them on the top fucking shelf I placed them on the ground.

The two of us sat around the board and started playing. Jongho won every fucking round which started to get annoying after a while. "Alright I give up. There's no way you are playing according to the rules." I scoffed while he laughed. "Okay okay, let's watch something then." I nodded and grabbed my laptop. He quickly yeeted it away from my hands and started typing. "We should totally watch this one." He pointed to a movie...

"There's no fucking way we are watching fucking Twilight." I rolled my eyes. "It would be hilarious though." Jongho laughed. "Let's watch something not vampire related." He nodded.

"What about this one?" He clicked on The Revenant. I thought for a second before nodding my head. "I've heard good things about it. It is very brutal and graphic though." I looked at him. He rolled his eyes which was a habit he learned from me. "I've seen you tear a guy's throat open so I think I'm gonna be fine." He laughed.

We started the movie, he was indeed right about not getting uncomfortable at the unsettling scenes. He did scrunch his nose in disgust when the main character had to climb inside of a horse. I'm not gonna spoiler the rest of the movie for ya'll though.

I first thought that seeing that much blood on screen would make me even more unpredictable but I was fine to be honest. I did feel the familiar excitement and slight aggression but I immediately forgot about it when Jongho snuggled up to me.

First I didn't know what to do so I stayed in one place for like half an hour. After that annoying half an hour I gave in and wrapped one of my arms around him. That made him do a satisfied sigh.

Eventually the movie ended and I closed my laptop. When I turned to my side I saw that Jongho was fast asleep. His lips were slightly parted which made him look even more adorable. I cued at the sight for a good few seconds but kept staring at him for like 5 minutes straight.

Once I realized I was staring I got up and decided to change into some more comfortable clothes. I locked the bathroom door and sighed again. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw a few changes.

I didn't look that... dead? I mean my skin was still pale but not fucking white and I didn't look that tired. My cheeks were also puffier and my eyes looked alive. I kinda had a reason to live now. Before Seonghwa decided to send me to school my days were very depressive.

I killed people on a daily basis, even supernaturals. I had so much anger and hate in me that the only way of getting rid of it was by killing. No wonder Seonghwa and I are still on the top of the wanted list. Hunters have been making our lives hell, killing our parents was the start of it.

When I was done changing, I looked at myself once again and left the bathroom. I had an oversized shirt on which basically exposed my whole neck and collarbones. Hanbin didn't really want to let me go....

I saw Jongho in the kitchen, drinking some hot chocolate. His infamous bed hair was so fucking adorable I was loosing my shit. San was right about it which annoyed me. "Did you sleep well?" I joked around. He smiled but his eyes slowly travelled down to my neck and collarbones. I quickly tried covering them by pulling my shirt up. His facial expressions were unreadable which kinda worried me.

I don't think I've ever felt this much guilt in my life. I wanted to say sorry but my mind still told me to stay the mean fucker I truly am who doesn't care about feelings. We aren't even a thing so why should I say sorry for doing whatever I want?

I felt so dumb and emotionally overused. I was so fucking confused at my emotions that I needed to clear my head. "I will go for a run, I will be back soon." I coldly said and left the wooden house. I didn't even bother wearing a coat since the snow wasn't affecting me at all.

I ran and ran in the snow, desperately wanting to get my emotions and feelings figured out...

Jongho's pov:

To be honest, I didn't get surprised at Yeosang leaving. I knew that he despised getting overwhelmed by feelings and his facial expression told me everything. I sighed in annoyance and sat down in the living room.

I tried to hide my reaction to seeing his hickeys but I was heartbroken deep down. It was painfully obvious that some things have been forming between the two of us, even Wooyoung noticed that who has never talked to Yeosang before.

My crush on Yeosang has been growing stronger and stronger by day so just the thought of him being with someone else made me go insane. I was sad, disappointed and angry. I shouldn't have believed in the two of us. He may have changed but he still is a vampire for god's sake. He murdered people and I bet he slept around with everyone who came his way. No wonder he panicked when I started asking questions about Hanbin.

After an hour of annoyed and tiring thinking I heard the front door open. I saw Yeosang being in a pretty worn out state but he STILL looked so fucking hot I was loosing my mind. His hair was wet, sticking to his forehead. His oversized white shirt was also drenched in snow, sticking to his body. Ya'll can imagine the sight for yourselves.

His eyes were red, this time however they were filled with lust and hunger. Should I be concerned? Yeah probably....

He walked towards me, he looked pretty terrifying to be honest. What he did next surprised the living soul out of me.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. Our faces were inches apart, I stared into his red orbs. From this close he looked, quite human... He didn't let me finish my thoughts though.

He leaned forward and connected our lips...


hi hello...

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