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San's pov:

After the Minho's rescue we settled back to our regular lives. Jongho and I moved back to our apartment and left Mingi's mansion. I was sad to leave the others but we had to return to school. Jongho was happy to finally see Wooyoung, I on the other hand despised him. Not he only he was a soon to be hunter but he just didn't feel right. Like he was hiding something from Jongho and it made me mad.

I've been very protective over him lately. I know he is still upset about Yeosang. I plan on meeting him to talk some sense into him. His heartbeat always fastens whenever Jongho is around. He might be a powerful vampire but he can't hide his true feelings, especially from me.

I'm currently waiting for Jongho to get ready for school. He was happy too see his friends again, especially Wooyoung. As for me, I wasn't looking forward to see annoying people from school again. Mingi and Yunho were obviously coming but most of the time they are busy with each other. I'm sure Yeosang is not coming so I will probably be alone most of the time.

"Are we ready to go?" Jongho's voice brought me back to reality. "Yeah, let's go." We walked to my car and drove off. Both of us were sitting in a comfortable silence until Jongho's phone started ringing. He smiled a little before picking up.

"Hey Woo." Jongho picked up with a cheerful voice. I just rolled my eyes at the mention of the name, it's a habit I picked up from Yeosang. "Sure, we're nearly at the parking lot." He replied and I just tried to focus on driving. He hung up after a while and I just looked at him with the 'explain now' expression. "He wants to hang out before first period." He said. I rolled my eyes again and parked the car. "No comment." I remarked. "Come on San, he is not as bad as you think he is." Jongho tried talking some sense into me but I ignored him.

"He is hiding something from you and don't forget that his family kills my kind for a living." I said with a serious tone. "He is not like his parents." Jongho said but I didn't believe him. "You can't know that for sure. If you don't believe me, believe Yeosang at least. He saw them trying to kill innocent vampires." As soon his name left my mouth Jongho snapped at me. "Don't talk about him like he's the good guy!" He yelled and got out of the car, he must be very mad at him.

I sighed and grabbed my backpack from the back. This day was already off to a bad start so my expectations weren't high. I lazily walked to my class and saw an unfamiliar face. He had raven black hair with the iciest blue eyes I've ever seen. My eyes widened once I saw the spiked leather collar he was wearing topped off with a silver lip ring. He was a full course meal and I was ready to get to know him.

"Hello my name is San. I've never seen you before in the school, are you new?" I tried to give off as chill vibes as I could but those blue eyes were hard to resist. "I actually am new here. I'm Chan by the way." He introduced himself. He had a cute voice which definitely didn't match his wild appearance. I was so busy admiring him that I didn't even pay attention to his scent which definitely wasn't human.

"Mind if I sit down?" I asked pointing at the chair next to him which luckily wasn't taken. "Sure." He gave me a cute smile and I swear I felt butterflies in my stomach. "So San, it's nice to know I'm not the only one in this class." He laughed and I just stared at him with wide eyes. "Wait wha-" He quickly cut me off. "You should focus more on your sense of smell in the future buddy." He laughed again and I quickly caught his scent. "Wait so you're like us?" I asked and he nodded. "Kang Yuchan, half-blooded siren nice to meet you." He said and I just sat there with my mouth open. This kid was so confident and cute but hot at the same time. No joke he is a siren.

"Choi San half-blooded werewolf." I said after I gathered my sanity. "I know, a full blood would have already caught my scent." He joked and I just rolled my eyes but a small smile formed on my lips.

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