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I looked back and forth between the black wolf and Seonghwa. San looked somewhat scared and I didn't judge him. Seonghwa can be very scary and intimidating to everyone except me of course. I know him the best although we are not related by blood. Our parents adopted us from the same orphanage. Seonghwa was 6 and I was 5 at that time. All of the vampire shit obviously came after we got old enough to handle the responsibility.

After San saw the tense atmosphere he ran into the forest, not too far though. "Explain." Was the only thing Seonghwa said. "So... I have this friend at school who I started talking to, turns out he has a brother who's a newly turned half-blood. I was walking in the school when I heard sounds from one of the classrooms. He was in his wolf form and I had to get him out of there." I tried to sound responsible. "Did you check if there were any cameras?" I nodded to his question.

He seemed to have an inner battle with himself. I know that what I did was risky but it was necessary. San would have gotten killed or worse if they found him in that state.

"Okay I understand why you felt it was necessary to bring him here but it was still very dangerous. Not only I just got a report of new hunters who decided to terrorize this area. You have to be much more careful now."

"Those hunters don't scare me. I can easily kill them for every fucking loss they caused. Or worse...." I spat. I was very angry and it was showing. Every time Seonghwa mentioned hunters I went nuts. They killed Minho's dad and both of our parents. I fucking hated every single one of them.

"Yeosang, I know that you can kill a few of them but when theres's a lot of them, it's nearly impossible to make it out alive." Seonghwa had the usual worried tone which made me rethink my answer. I knew that he was just trying to look out for me but it was getting a bit annoying.

"Alright let's change topic. Can San stay for the night?" I looked at him. He just nodded before rubbing his eyes. He was visibly stressed which was no good. Most people would feel tired or frustrated because of stress but Seonghwa was a full different story.

He turns into a literal monster when his stress level reaches it's max. He gets out at night and kills every living thing he sees. He can't control this side of him but he tries so hard to fight it.

Once his 'crazy' side jumps out, the normal Seonghwa is not aware of anything the crazy one does. You can call this bipolarity but it's not exactly like that.

"Hwa.... try to take a nap, that might ease your mind." I tried to sound as calm and reassuring I could. "Should I call Joong over?" I looked at him but I knew it was already too late. "You don't have to do that Sangie." He said in a deep and mysterious voice.

"Seonghwa look at me!" I raised my voice and he did as I told. He winked at me.

"I'm going to head out Sangie

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"I'm going to head out Sangie." He said before he took off. I could just pray to who ever the fuck is up there that he wouldn't kill anyone.

I got distracted from my thoughts when I teared barking from outside. I walked to the front door and let San in. He trotted in as some house dog and shook his long-ass black fur.  He looked at me and started to growl. First I was staring at him confused but I soon got what he meant.

"Don't make a huge mess." And with that I walked to my room.  Soon I heard the whimpers and the cries but I didn't really care about it. I decided to get some clothes for him so that he can be comfortable for the rest of the night.

After some more screams and whimpers I heard heavy breathing. I walked out and saw him laying on the ground. I gave him a towel and helped him stand up. "You should go shower and take these with you." I gave him the clothes and let him do his thing.

Meanwhile I was waiting for him I decided to call Jongho to make sure that he was safe and sound from my brother or any other monster out there. I went to his contact and tapped on it. After a few seconds I was greeted with his sweet voice.

"Hello Yeosang, what's up?" He said cheerfully. "Where are you?" I asked him immediately. "Well... I'm home, by the way do you know where's San?" He asked. I could sense that he was worried for his brother but I didn't want him to see San in his still vulnerable state. "I don't know where he is but I'm sure he's fine. He can protect himself don't worry Jongho." I tried to sound as calm as possible. 

"I hope you are right. So anyways why did you call me?" He asked again. "I just wanted to make sure that you are alright and all. I suggest you to lock your doors tonight because there are a lot of dangerous guys walking around. I came across a few myself." My voice was a bit mysterious but I didn't want to tell him the real reason behind my sudden protectiveness.

"Uhm... okay? I will lock my doors I promise if it makes you feel better." He chuckled and I could feel that he was smiling. I rolled my eyes before speaking again. "Don't need to get all happy, I will go now. You should also sleep or something." He just laughed again before he spoke. "Okay, Goodbye Sangie- I mean Yeosang." My eyes nearly fell out of their place. He did me dirty.

"Don't ever say that again." He kept laughing. "Brat" I said. "Okay I will go now, bye-bye." He hung up and I sighed. "Cute" I muttered.

"Ya'll are cute." San said behind me. I jolted up from the couch and I gave him a death glare. "I ship you two." He continued. "If you keep going on with that bullshit I will chain you to a fucking dog house you brat." He laughed and sat down on the couch.

"By the way, thanks for the clothes and for getting me out." He said with his big yellow eyes. "No problem. I suppose Jongho doesn't know about it." He nodded. "I had to get away for a longer period of time because I needed time to get control over myself. It was very hard at first, especially in wolf form." I nodded before speaking. "I feel you bro." 

"So anyways, where's Seonghwa? He asked. I took a deep breath before I started explaining Seonghwa's issue with his vampire self. San luckily understood and tried to change the topic.

We kept on talking for a couple of hours until Hongjoong walked in with a very sleepy Seonghwa. We both looked at him with confused expressions. "I will tell you everything don't worry." Hongjoong said before he carried his pretty much sleeping boyfriend to their room.

"He wasn't bloody or anything." San said. I nodded in agreement but I was still suspicious. Hongjoong soon walked out and limped to us. "He found you didn't he?" I asked him and he just nodded. I saw some marks on his neck and I sighed in relief. This Seonghwa usually kills people but when he doesn't he fucks the living soul out of poor Joong. He is used to it by now and it is better than taking lives.

"He is alright now." Hongjoong patted my shoulder and I continued my series of sighing. "Thanks Hongjoong for taking care of him." I rubbed my temples. "You don't have to thank me. I know how to handle him."

The rest of the night was simple and nice. We kept on talking and watching movies together. Eventually all of us got tired and went to sleep. After 30 minutes sleep I got woken up to not being able to sleep more. I decided to go out as usual since it was already 6 in the morning.

I tried to not make many sounds since everyone else was sleeping and got outside. The cold breeze was very refreshing and nice. I was very bored so I decided to take a walk in the park.

Soon I noticed a figure following me...            


Boring chapter for ya'll.

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