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"Well then Yeosang, thank you for.... making that weird guy go away." Jongho laughed nervously. "He was a bit scary if I'm being honest." he tried to lighten up the mood. "Oh he was just a useless jerk, trust me he won't approach you again." Yeosang seemed to have a scary gaze but Jongho just ignored it.

"You live far from here?" Yeosang suddenly changed topic. Jongho shook his head before answering. "No, my apartment is just down the street."

"You live alone or what?" Yeosang raised any eyebrow. "Oh no, I live with my brother San. He's coming home from the U.S tomorrow." He answered. "By the way he goes to the same school as us." Jongho smiled.

"And what about your friend, Wooyoung right?" Yeosang kept asking questions. "Ah, he's my childhood best friend. We basically grew up together. His parents took care of San and I when no one else could." Jongho had a sad smile but it was quickly replaced with a laugh.

Yeosang just nodded, taking in all of the information. "Are you fine walking back home?" Yesang asked suddenly. Jongho just nodded and waved at the vampire. He turned around and walked off.

Yeosang's pov:

I waited a couple of minutes until Jongho was out of sight. Since it was already dark I could easily follow him. I did not trust that vampire still being near the area.

I started walking in the same direction as Jongho did. I quickly caught up with him so with a swift move, I jumped up to one of the trees. The leaves made shuffling sounds and some branches fell off.

He turned to the tree's direction and looked around. Luckily I was well hidden by the leaves so he couldn't see me. After that he just shrugged his shoulders and kept walking. He must have been close, cause he took his keys out.

After he got inside his apartment I jumped down from the tree and brushed the remaining leaves off of my clothes and hair.

I began my journey home which wasn't that long.  I ran trough the forest like usual and then I reached the house. Seonghwa's car was already there so I figured he got home from the date with Hongjoong.

I walked in and waited a few seconds. I was waiting to hear any 'strange' sounds but there weren't any luckily.
Seonghwa and Hongjoong were cuddling on the couch while watching some random movie.

"Hello guys!" I said. Both of them turned to my direction and waved. Hongjoong paused the movie while Hwa put the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table.

"Where were you Sangie?" Seonghwa asked without any worry whatsoever. He did act like a mom sometimes but he gave me space and freedom which our parents certainly did not. "I went for a walk and came across someone I know." Then I remembered the unfamiliar half-blood.

"Actually... I want to tell you something. So I was in the park when I saw this half blood wanting to attack the guy I know. I stopped him but he still provoked me.... I felt like, he was kind of testing me." I admitted. It was true that I did feel bad about that guy and Seonghwa is the responsible one here so telling him the truth can only cause good. Not to mention that he can report it to the vampire council.

Just so you know, we take rules very strictly amongst ourselves and disrespecting a higher ranked vampire is very serious.

"Do you want me to report him to the council?" His tone switched to a serious one. "No you don't need to. If he does anything like that again I will deal with him myself." My tone was also serious. Who am I kidding? I'm nearly always serious.

"I like the way you handle everything by yourself yet still telling your brother the important stuff." Hongjoong said. I really like the guy, him and Seonghwa have been together for over 4 years now. I really ship them to be honest.

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