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Jongho's pov:

My mind couldn't process what was happening in that exact moment. All I could think about was feeling Yeosang's soft lips, moving against mine. He held me tight by the waist and eventually I pulled him closer, deepening our messy kiss.

He started biting my lips which came as another surprise. At this point my mind was blank and hazy, not being able to focus on anything but Yeosang's mesmerizing lips. He was such a god at kissing that I thought I'd loose my mind. 

When I thought that the kiss couldn't get more heated he slowly slid his hands to my ass and squeezed it. It made me do a small moan which gave him the perfect chance to slid his tongue into my mouth.

Our tongues danced against each other, fighting for dominance. I suddenly licked his double fangs which made him do a quite loud moan. I repeated the same action and he moaned again. He suddenly opened his blood red eyes and pulled away from the kiss.  I couldn't read his facial expressions. He looked so emotionless.

"This shouldn't have happened." He said slowly. He didn't even look at me while saying that. My heart broke into even more pieces. Eventually, Yeosang walked past by me and locked himself into his room.

I just stood in the living room where he left me, still processing what happened less than a minute ago. I was so confused and heart broken that I wanted to cry. I didn't want to look like a weak bitch in front of Yeosang though.

After a few minutes which actually felt like hours he came out of his room. I didn't look at him for the whole time being but I could feel his stare. "San will arrive shortly." That was the only thing he said before he left the wooden house.

Once I made sure he was gone, I broke down. I sank down to the floor and warm tears rolled down my cheek. My emotions were just too much to handle all together. What was I thinking? I shouldn't have trusted Yeosang in any way. Ever since we got to know each other I have been getting attacked or some shit like that.

I cried and cried until I heard scratches on the front door. I got up and dragged myself to the front door. I barely opened it, just enough for the black wolf to enter the cozy home. He looked at me with his big yellow eyes.

No words were needed, he trotted next to be and laid on my lap

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No words were needed, he trotted next to be and laid on my lap. I ran my hands through his thick black fur. We stayed like that for the whole night. My cries eventually stopped and I fell asleep. San's body heat made sure I wasn't cold.

A few hours later:

I woke up to San continuously poking my arm with his cold nose. I fluttered my eyes open and yawned. I felt exhausted and I just wanted to go back to sleep. Suddenly, San started growling. He kept staring at the front door, teeth showing and ears pinned back.

I knew that something was behind that door, wanting to hurt the both of us. I quickly got up and grabbed knifes from the kitchen. Snarling could be heard from outside, making San growl even more.

The door got thrown open all of a sudden and we were greeted with 3 vampires. They looked fucking terrifying with the gloving red eyes but they didn't scare me for some reason. San ran up to one of them and tore a big chunk out of his shoulder. He snarled up in pain while the others tried killing San. They didn't even bother about me so I used it as my advantage. I grabbed the knifes and threw it to the wounded one's direction. It landed in his hip, making it bleed even more. Once he noticed me, it snarled and tried attacking me. He was really hurt so before he could even get near me, I threw another knife towards him. This one hit his head, which killed him instantly.

The other two were still busy with San but it was visible that the black wolf was wounded. Then out of the blue, a big white thing tore one of the vampire's head off. It was the size of a horse and it had snow-white fur.

The white beast took care of the other one, ripping both of his arms out. Blood were pouring out of his body and he bled to death. I ran to San who was laying on the ground, whimpering. His black fur was bloody and his whimpers were heart breaking.

I turned around and saw that the white beast was a big ass wolf. Unlike San, it had pitch black eyes which made it look more natural. The fur around his mouth and neck was stained from all of the blood.

In seconds it shifted to a human form. He was undressed so I gave him a robe. Then I turned to him. Despite being huge in wolf form, he wasn't that tall. His hair was the same color as his fur which quite suited him. His black eyes were also the same so he looked quite human to be honest.

"Who- who are you?" I stuttered. He walked to San and placed his hands on top of him. A weird purple light was erupting from his hands, which seemed to be getting absorbed by San's body. At that second his eyes weren't black, but purple. When he was done he turned to me.

"He should be alright." He looked quite friendly. "Who are you though?" I asked with more confidence. "Oh right, sorry about that. I'm Lee Taeyong." He gave me his hand. I shook it and smiled at him. "My name is Choi Jongho and the black wolf is Choi San, my older brother." I told him.

"Are you also a supernatural?" He asked again and I shook my head in response. "Only San is, by the way no offense but why the fuck are you the size of a horse?" He laughed. "First of all I'm a full blood and second of all I'm an alpha." He answered my question. "Understood, also stay here I'm going to get you some clothes to change into." I walked to my room and picked out some random clothes.

Once I got back to the room San was howling and whimpering. He very slowly changed into his human form, followed in the agonizing screams of shifting. He was panting and still grunting but he looked alright. His wounds all got healed by the shit Taeyong just did to him.

He changed into some comfy clothes also and turned towards the white haired alpha. "Thank you." He bowed to him. "You can stay the night if you'd like." I offered. "Thank you, I'd like to get to know the two of you." He smiled.

The rest of the night went pretty well. Taeyong turned out to be a really funny and nice guy. He told us about his pack which he leads with his mate Jaehyun. They have one of the biggest packs in this area and they have a huge territory.

Taeyong saw the vampires coming towards us while he was hunting so that's why he could help. And thank god he was there. He is also a healer which is very rare for being an alpha. Random fact but he has a weird obsession with frogs and he even has a pet toad. I'd say cute but frogs creep me out to be honest.

Anyways Taeyong's and San's company made me forget about the whole incident with Yeosang. Luckily San didn't ask about it which I was glad about. I really didn't need to worry about that when 3 fucking vampires tried to kill us earlier.

I had a feeling that things were going to get even worse...


Lee Taeyong:-full blooded werewolf -alpha and healer of the neo pack-mate of Jaehyun -looks intimidating but he's a dork-frog obsession -in wolf form he can be quite deadly -hates vampires

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Lee Taeyong:
-full blooded werewolf
-alpha and healer of the neo pack
-mate of Jaehyun
-looks intimidating but he's a dork
-frog obsession
-in wolf form he can be quite deadly
-hates vampires

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