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Yeosang's pov:

Once everyone arrived with the help of the portal, Bobby closed it and grabbed his reap. It was huge and apparently it trapped the soul of the victim. Sounds lovely if you ask me.

So anyways, everyone brought their signature weapons like the reap or Hanbin's ugly wand. For the first time, I packed my old daggers. I figured they could come useful in battle and they had some frog venom on it. Hanbin got it from somewhere and it's good for slowing down vampires. It's a pity that it only works on half bloods but it still makes my job easier.

"Be very careful and sign as soon as you see something." Seonghwa said and started moving forward. He had his katana with himself which used to be our mom's. He kind of looked like our leader, even though he wasn't the oldest.

"It's so dark in here." Hanbin said as he tripped over a big rock. "I can fix that." Yunho replied and white lights erupted from his hands. Eventually the place got well light up and we could take in our surroundings better. "Won't they see all of this light tho?" Mingi asked. "No because it only shows to us." Yunho replied to his boyfriend.

We originally arrived in a small forest but as we were walking we got to a huge mansion which had the same protection spell. As soon as Hanbin saw the bubble like spell he waved with his ugly wand. The bubble got sucked into the green jewel which decorated the top of it and the same weird sound erupted from the wand.

All of us looked at him and he just shrugged his shoulders. "It could come useful." He said and started walking closer to the mansion. "He's got a point." Bobby said and he followed him. I ship them already oof.

With a few more meters we reached the house. Seonghwa made us stop to revise the plan. "Okay so we go in pairs of two. Each of us needs someone who is able to fly. I go with Yunho, Hanbin with Bobby and Yeosang with Mingi." He said. I could see Hanbin's inner gay panic and it was hilarious.

Then Yunho and Mingi grew out their wings and Bobby created a big black cloud under Hanbin and himself. Mingi signaled me to jump on his back and I sighed. He was taller than me so it didn't look as weird. His big ass black demonic wings were in the way but he did manage to fly on top of the building. Seonghwa followed us with Yunho. Hanbin and Bobby just glided trough the air with their Aladdin-like magic carpet cloud or what.

We landed on the roof and tried to be very quiet. "Okay, we try to search the building without getting much attention on ourselves." Seonghwa said and he went forward with Yunho. "If you kill someone don't make them scream." Bobby said and he also left with Hanbin.

"Where should we go?" I asked Mingi. He looked around and pointed to a small door. "That's probably the door which leads to the roof." He said and started walking towards it. When he tried to open it nothing happened so I stepped forward. With a swift yet powerful move I broke the door down and slowly placed the pieces on the floor. "Nice." Was the only thing Mingi said.

The staircase leading downstairs was bit abandoned which was concerning. Mingi's golden eyes lit up and you could see literal flames in them. We slowly went down, firmly holding our weapons.

Once we were in the building, we found ourselves in a well light up room. I supposed it was a living room. I could smell that there were quite a few of vampires in the building. Not only vampires but also wizards, sirens and also centaurs which are very rare. I suppose they live in the forest.

"There are a lot of vamps with wizards sirens and even centaurs." I said to Mingi. "Centaurs?" He gave me a questioning look. "This is weird." I said and he nodded in agreement. "Warn the others." I said to Mingi and he grabbed in his walkie talkie. "Pay a lot of attention guys, something seems fishy here." Mingi kept scanning the room.

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