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A few weeks have passed since I told Jongho everything. He was being very cool about it in school and all which kind of surprised me. In most cases people would ignore or expose me but he still kept being my friend. We got even closer to be honest.

I haven't told the others yet which was today's plan actually. The usual trip to school was still boring as ever. It was getting colder by day which I really liked. People wouldn't nag me for having pale skin and cold hands which was annoying in summer.

As soon as I reached the building I sighed and shook my shoulders which had some snow on it, running through tree branches had some disadvantages.

Anyways, I soon found Minsung chilling with Yungi. For my luck they were all together so I din't have to search the whole school for them. As soon as they spotted me walking towards them they all greeted me with smiles.

"Hi Sang, what's up?" Minho asked me as Jisung was sitting on his lap. I would have rolled my eyes at the scene but for some reason I found them cute this time. "I have to talk to ya'll." I said before I took my seat next to Yunho.

"You sound serious. Did something bad happen?" Mingi eyed me. I shook my head and sighed. "Not necessarily bad but I have to tell you something. So in a nutshell, Jongho knows about me AND before ya'll freak out I was the one who told him and he's cool about it." I tried to sound as convincing as possible. "What- How- Why did you tell him?" Minho seemed very surprised and confused. Yunho seemed very curious but not mad. And Mingi just sat there, wanting to hear more before judging my actions.

"So he decided to have a sleepover at my place and in the middle of the night I started hearing weird sounds. Then all of a sudden a random vampire broke into his room and wanted to kill him. Basically Jongho saw me kill that piece of shit and everything. After that I told him about me but he still has zero clue about ya'll. I wanted to ask your permission first." I ended my sentence and looked at them. Minho was still confused but Jisung seemed happy for some reason. "Why did that vamp try to kill Jongho?" Mingi asked. "No idea, he was saying something about his boss wanting to meet me. Apparently I'm 'famous'." I answered. Mingi nodded along with Yunho, both of them seemed confused by the attack.

"Who would hire someone to kill you?" Minho asked. "I don't think that he wanted to kill me, at first." I replied. They all nodded. Then Yunho spoke up. "Was the face familiar?" He asked. I shook my head and rubbed my temples. "I already burned the body so you can't see it now. He wasn't a full-blood though." They all nodded and they were also a bit tense. It wasn't frequent for a half-blood to attack a full one. It broke many of the vampire rules.

"We need to find out who hired that guy. Do you guys have any plans?" Minho asked as he was still holding on to Jisung's small waist. "Since the body is gone, it's a lot harder to look for clues. We may have a solution though." Jisung said. We all looked at him for answers. "But we need a wizard for that, a powerful one to be exact." He sighed again. Then an idea came to my head and I spoke up.

"I have a friend who's a wizard, I just need to call him back from Japan but that might take weeks." I sighed again. "I can get you to Japan." Mingi said. "Meet me after school." He continued and then stood up. Both him and Yunho said goodbye and left, they probably wanted to discuss something in private.

"I hope this will work out." Minho whispered. "Same." I whispered back and also left. Trough the whole day, I kept thinking about Mingi's statement. He seemed very serious about it but Yunho didn't quite like the idea.

I suffered for the rest of the day from curiosity. I kept avoiding Jongho since I didn't want to drag him into my business with the others. Although, I knew that at some point he had to take part.

Eventually school ended and I found Mingi, standing in front of the main entrance. He seemed tense and angry. "Hello, what's up with you?" I asked him. He sighed and shook his head. "Argument with Yunho, now come." I could see that he didn't want to talk about it so I left the topic alone.

After some minutes of walking we arrived to an abandoned building. The whole street was empty to be honest but it didn't creep me out. We walked into an empty living room which was very messed up. It was very dusty and there were burn marks on the walls.

Suddenly I heard Mingi chanting something. I turned around and saw him in his demon form. He rose his hands which had some strange red light coming from it. The chanting soon came to an end and Mingi sighed. Then I looked forward and was greeted with a bright red portal.

"Come on, we don't have much time." He said with the 'hurry up already' tone and stepped through the portal. I hesitated at first since I didn't trust magic but gave in eventually. As soon as I touched the red light I got drawn in. I felt very dizzy and there was this very loud sound in my ears. It was very irritating especially with my sensitive hearing. I also had to squeeze my eyes shut since the light was so bright.

After a couple of painful minutes the noise stopped and I could open my eyes. I was sitting on the floor, Mingi standing next to me. "First time using a portal?" He asked as he helped me get up. I nodded and dusted my clothes off. "You will get used to it eventually." He laughed as he examined my dirty and tired face. I rolled my eyes at his remark and looked around, taking in my surroundings. We were in a living room of some sort.

"Where are we?" I asked him. "We are in Tokyo. Your friend should be here any minute." He looked at his watch to check the time. "Wait, how did you get us to the right location?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "I read your mind and made the portal according to your memories of him." He said again like it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Warn me next time so I can prepare myself." I rolled my eyes and he just laughed. Then suddenly we heard footsteps. Mingi visibly became more alert and so did I. The doorknob got turned and the front door got opened.

A boy with brown hair and glasses walked in. He was busy texting on his phone but as soon as he saw me he dropped his phone. His unnaturally emerald green eyes went wide as his jaw dropped. I gave him my biggest smile. It's been so long since I've last seen my oldest friend. He really has gone through a lot while I was busy getting well hidden in Korea. I didn't even realized how dearly I missed him.

I ran to him and gave him the biggest hug ever. I could feel him going numb in my arms and then he wrapped his arms around my waist. "I missed you so much." I whispered in his ear.

"I missed you too Sangie." I could feel his voice crack. He was the only one who was 'legally' allowed to call me Sangie. Then we let each other go and he ruffled my hair. Then I looked back at Mingi who was smiling at us.

"This is my friend Song Mingi, he brought me here." I pointed to the red haired boy. "Mingi, this is my oldest friend." I smiled at him and felt some tears of joy rolling down my cheek.

"His name is Kim Hanbin."


Kim Hanbin:-son of the Wizard King and Witch Queen which makes him the Wizard Prince-oldest friend of Yeosang -the two used to be in a relationship for 50 years-they decided to stay friends after Hanbin moved to Japan-lonely in general -has seriou...

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Kim Hanbin:
-son of the Wizard King and Witch Queen which makes him the Wizard Prince
-oldest friend of Yeosang
-the two used to be in a relationship for 50 years
-they decided to stay friends after Hanbin moved to Japan
-lonely in general
-has serious trust issues
-protects Yeosang at all cost

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