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I slowly opened my eyes but closed it immediately, the brightness of my room nearly made me blind. I blinked a couple of times before I got up. I looked around, taking my surroundings in. Once I realized I indeed was in my room, memories of the fight came back. I suddenly looked down at my chest, which was covered in bandages.

"What the actual-?" I never had a bandage on, since I got healed by myself every time. I sighed in complete confusion. "Ah you're awake? Good morning then, how are you feeling?" Seonghwa walked in with Hongjoong and the Yungi couple.

"What happened?" I asked. Seonghwa could tell that I was slightly panicking. "You fainted in the school after. We didn't know what was happening so we brought you home." Yunho said. "Why am I wrapped up? I should have gotten healed by now." I asked still confused as ever. "We think that the tao tie's attack had a bigger impact than expected. Since they are from another dimension, it is likely that they can harm supernaturals in any way. That's the reason your wound couldn't heal by itself like it usually does." Hongjoong explained. I rolled my eyes while holding my chest which hurt like a bitch. "Af fuck..." I hissed as I tried getting up.

"You shouldn't move a lot, you are still weak." Seonghwa gently pushed me back down. I rolled my eyes again and sighed in annoyance. I was mad that people saw me in a state like this and it ruined my pride to be honest. I'm not some weak bitch!

"Fuck it Seonghwa! I won't lay around like some old lady!" I got up, even though the pain was killing me. I squeezed my eyes shut and took a deep breath. "Yeosang don't start with that tone, you need to rest!" Seonghwa argued.

"I SAID I'M FINE!" I yelled. I looked at my brother and his eyes widened. I could feel the oh so familiar feeling of my teeth and nails getting sharper and my eyes were probably burning red.

But that certainly didn't scare my brother away. He got pissed at my sudden outburst. He suddenly grabbed me by the neck, his eyes glaring into my whole soul.

"Listen here boy! I'm doing what's the best for you so don't you dare to give me that fucking attitude of yours!" He yelled in my face while his grip tightened on my neck. "Joong, come with me." He stared into my eyes and let go of me.

Hongjoong followed my brother out of my room and the others remained in silence. I sighed and I was back to my normal form. "We are sorry Yeosang..." Yunho looked at the ground. Mingi didn't say a thing, he just stared at the ground. "Don't be, just ignore all of this." I sighed and rubbed my eyes.

Then a sudden hunger hit me. I felt week and the world was spinning. I was craving blood and I needed it now. I stumbled to my bed and sat down. I probably looked like a drunk person but that really wasn't the case. "Yeosang.... A-are you alright?" Yunho slowly tried to approach me.

"You should get out, my state is getting worse." Luckily that was enough for them to understand. Mingi dragged Yunho out and gave me an apologetic smile. They closed the door and left me to sit in complete rage and hunger.

After 10 minutes or so my brother came back, holding a bottle of fresh blood. My pupils went wide and I got up. I couldn't see Seonghwa's worried expression, my eyes were locked on that bottle of sweet and mesmerizing red liquid.

I snatched it out of his hand and literally broke the lid off. I took in the addictive smell and started gulping down the blood. Once my taste buds were greeted with the sweet taste, my vision went numb. I could feel that my fingers were bending the bottle's weak material.

I was quickly done with it, just as expected. Once I was back to my 'not killing every living soul' state I looked at Seonghwa. He looked worried, his once furious expression was nowhere to be seen. "How are you feeling now?" He looked at me with genuine concern. "So much better, thanks Hwa." I looked at him and gave him a small smile.

Blood To All / JongsangWhere stories live. Discover now