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San's pov:

I survived the rest of the school day, I'm not sure how though. I'm currently waiting for Jongho so that we can finally go home. I was already feeling sick of the thought that I had to see Wooyoung more than usual. 

"You look dead San." Jongho suddenly said. "Maybe I am." I replied with a deep sigh. We headed to my car and I felt a tiny bit of relief rush over me. Jongho's presence made me calm down and forget about his annoying best friend. 

"Try to be a bit more positive." He tried to reason with me, without much success. I ignored him and tried to focus on driving. When I finally felt at peace, my body relaxed. Of course when I didn't pay attention for a quick second something bad happens, what did I even expect?

Out of the blue, a red furred animal ran across the road. "San watch out!" Jongho yelled. I quickly pulled the steering wheel out of the animals way. I pushed on the breaks as hard as I could and we stopped hard. Both of us got out of the car to look if the animal got injured.

We couldn't see it on the road, instead we saw blood stains on the gray concrete. "Do you think it's dead?" Jongho asked. I shook my head in response and kept looking. I suddenly could smell the strong smell of blood. I followed the scent until it got stronger and stronger. Jongho followed behind. 

We arrived to a relatively big bush and I heard low growling. I slowly walked closer and pulled the leaves and branches away. I was greeted with a growling fox who's hind leg was bleeding. However there was something unusual about this fox. It didn't smell like a normal animal and it was much larger than a normal red fox. 

It was growling at us but it visibly was in a lot of pain. My eyes suddenly turned yellow and the fox calmed down just enough for me to pick it up. "What should we do with it?" Jongho asked.

"Do you know any vets?" I asked him. "We could try asking Yunho for help?" Jongho said, which sounded more like a question. "Call him, I need to get home because Wooyoung's coming over." I said with an annoyed tone. Jongho gave me a questioning look. "School project and God decided to curse me." I said and he just nodded. 

I put the injured fox on the back seat and got back into the car with Jongho. I started the engine and we drove off with a still growling fox, laying on the back seat. Jongho texted Yunho about the incident and luckily he knew how to take care of injured animals. 

"I'm gonna drop you off at their place ok?" I asked and he nodded. "Just be careful with him." I looked in the mirror and saw the the fox was staring at us. "It's a him?" Jongho laughed. "Yeah I think." 

I dropped them off at Yunho's place, helping Jongho carry in the injured yet aggressive animal. "Be careful with him, I don't think this is just a regular fox." Jongho nodded at my statement and walked inside of Yunho's big house. He gave me a reassuring smile before disappearing. 

I sighed and drove back to our apartment. I didn't have any energy left to deal with Wooyung's annoying ass for an hour. As soon as I got home I dropped my backpack on the floor. I looked around for suspicious things like knives, guns and all of that so that Wooyoung's hunting instinct wouldn't kick in.

Just as I was done, I heard a loud nock on the door. Once I opened the big wooden door I was greeted with a mop of black hair on a tiny midget. "You're early." I said as I left the door open for him. I didn't even bother greeting him properly. "Did you bring your books?" I looked at him and he nodded with a bored expression. 

"You look dead, how are we supposed to work on a project if you can fall asleep any second?" He  whined. "After you've done insulting me we can start." I coldly replied and grabbed my laptop. I already hated every second of him being in the house. 

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