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Yeosang's pov:

The tall blue-haired guy walked to us. I was looking back and forth between Mingi and blue-guy. Mingi's eyes were seriously so entertaining to watch. The purple and pink literally vibrated together.

Finally Yunho reached us and showed his angelic smile. I mean... he is a legit angel after all.

"Hello Minki, who's your friend?" He asked. His voice was very calming and sweet. "Hello baby, his name is Yeosang, Yeosang this is my boyfriend Yunho." Mingi introduced me to him. His hand soon found it's place on Yunho's waist, pulling him closer.

"Well hello Yeosang, it's nice to meet you. I assume you are new here." Yunho smiled. I swear to god that smile is so angelic I'm gonna loose my shit. "Yeah this is my first day. Which class are you in?" I asked.

"I'm learning literature." He said. I very carefully rolled my eyes at the mention of the subject. Of course, I didn't want to hurt his feelings by that so I didn't make a comment about it. "I figured you are in the science class. I'm really bad at biology but I find it interesting." he laughed. I just nodded, not really knowing what to say. Mingi seemed to notice that so he spoke up.

"We should head to class now. See you around baby." He kissed Yunho. First I was like 'ew' but then 'awe' so I just turned around, waiting for Mingi to catch up. He eventually did and he seemed happier already. His eyes were back to their natural gold color.

"I'm sorry about him, he has a very strong aura." Mingi apologized. "There's literally nothing to be sorry about. I like the guy... I'm still weird around people cause I've been avoiding social interactions for like 50 years?" I furrowed my eyebrows. Mingi just laughed along. His deep voice sent shivers down my spine.

The rest of the day was pretty boring. I was hanging out with Mingi most of the time. The times he went to Yunho, I was mostly alone. There were a few people who seemed to show an interest in me. Most of the time I sent them a death glare which was enough for them to leave me the hell alone.

However, there was a guy who didn't want to give up. He eventually walked to me. I just groaned and rolled my eyes for the 2456th time. That sadly didn't scare him away though. "Hello my name is-"

"Listen here kid. I'm not in the mood to talk and I also hate people so for your own sake, please leave me the fuck alone." I tried to stay as polite as possible.... that's a lie but still, I wasn't the rudest.

"Uhm, well okay. See you around I guess." He didn't seem to get offended by my rudeness which was very weird for a human. Normally they would get angry or get sad. This kid however seemed to take it like a professional.

I watched as he walked back to his friend. I examined his friend and I instantly got a bad feeling about him. He just didn't seem right.

I ignored the two when class started. Mingi seemed to skip class so I was on my own. I didn't mind to be alone. I actually needed it. If I'm around people 24/7 I get annoyed by everything.

I sat through the class, thinking about my upcoming project. Thankfully the class quickly ended, the teacher obviously had to brag about us not taking school seriously enough. I just rolled my eyes and went out, not caring.

It was currently lunch break so I scanned the cafeteria, looking for Minho or Mingi. I soon spotted both of them sitting at the same table. I walked to them and waved.

"Hello Sangie, I've heard that you have already met Mingi and Yunho. At least I don't have to make any fancy introductions." Minho laughed. "Don't call me by that." I said by instinct. All of them just laughed at me so I just rolled my eyes.... again.

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