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1 week later:
After the sudden incident with Jongho, I decided to focus on finding the hunters who decides to ruin my mood. It annoyed the hell out of me and Seonghwa noticed it.

After Joong and I told him about his actions he decided to not to see Hongjoong for a while. It made him feel very guilty although Hongjoong wasn't mad at him. Seonghwa is such a caring soul so he doesn't take it well when he turns to his crazy side.

Anyways, I'm currently on my way to school and I'm hella bored. I have been ignoring Minho for a while now so I decided to hang out with him today. To be honest, I really miss him. He used to be my only friend back in the day and I could always count on him.

After some minutes of useless thinking I reached the familiar building of the high school. Most students were outside smoking or talking with their friends.

Just before I entered the school the door of the janitor's closet got thrown open. A guy and a girl fell out, on top of eachother. Both the of them were painting and had swollen lips. They looked at me in horror and I just scrunched my nose in disgust.

"I'm too gay for that shit." I told them and walked away like the baddest bitch ever.

I scanned the halls, wanting to find the familiar face of Lee Minho. Eventually my eyes stopped on a mop of dark grey hair. I smiled and walked to my friend.

"Hey bro." He greeted me once he spotted me. "Hi, what's up with you?" I patted his back. "Nothing much, I have been spending most of my time with Jisung and he's planning to move in with me." His eyes literally sparkled once he mentioned his boyfriend. To be honest, I really do ship them.

"That's good to hear. I'm happy for ya'll, you really do deserve someone who cares about you after all of the shit you had to go through." He smiled at me and gave me a big-ass bone crushing hug. "Now, spill the tea." He looked into my eyes like the tea-telling hoe he is.

"What tea?" I looked at him like the confused hoe I am. "You have been hanging out with that Jongho kid lately. Ya'll seem close." Minho smirked. I obviously rolled my eyes at his statement. "What are you implying?" Even though I knew exactly well what he ment.

"I talked with San the other day and he told me some spicy stuff. You seemed worried for your baby boy the other day." Minho pouted like a baby. "I swear to god imma murder you if you continue." I gave him a death glare. Minho just laughed. "I hate you.." I told him. "Awe, I love you too Sangie." He grinned like the idiot he is. "But for real now, what's up with you befriending normal people?" Minho asked.

"Nothing is up with me. Jongho is just a nice distraction from my always depressed state." I answered honestly. I did not care about Jongho in the slightest. He distracted me from my life because he is so happy all the time. That is something I will never be able to achieve.

"I see." Minho wanted to pust the topic more but seeing my expression, he decided to remain silent. "Imma get going now. See you around?" He looked at me."Sure." I gave him a small smile before heading to my locker.

However, my fucked up brain kept bugging me with the same question over and over again. 'Do I care about Jongho?'

He sure was a nice person but I'm certainly not. I will end up hurting him in the end just like all of my friends. Most people whom I've gotten close to in the past ended up being hurt or dead.

There are times when I just can't control what I do. When the true monster erupts from me, all hell breaks loose...

I'm way worse than Seonghwa. I proved it when I committed my first murder. Since then I have been killing, not caring about the the outcome. Until now...

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