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Yunho and I nodded, feeling anxious about the fight. I cracked my neck and fingers, I could slowly feel my teeth getting sharper along with my nails. Yunho looked me with wide eyes. "I didn't expect you to look this scary when you change." He said. I nervously laughed which showed my fangs, Yunho obviously saw that and I could tell that he was a bit scared, not to mention my bright red eyes.

 I nervously laughed which showed my fangs, Yunho obviously saw that and I could tell that he was a bit scared, not to mention my bright red eyes

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As for Yunho, he had this very bright aura around him which made it challenging to look at him for a longer period of time. I felt like I was drawn to him which is obviously the effect of his angelic abilities. A glowing halo appeared above his head with his huge white wings. He looked very magical but I knew about his real powers.

"Let's go then!" Mingi suddenly raised his voice and with a swift move, he threw the door open. We ran in and locked the door, not wanting the creatures the escape.

Once I looked around my eyes nearly fell out of their place. The creatures Mingi talked about had greenish skin and they had very fucking sharp teeth. They were the size of a german shepherd and had horns on their head. There were 4 of them in total which luckily wasn't that big of a number considering the fact that the three of us were there.

 There were 4 of them in total which luckily wasn't that big of a number considering the fact that the three of us were there

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(imagine this.... if u know which movie this picture is from I love u uwu)

"Knock knock bitch!" I smirked at them once they noticed our presence. They seemed very intelligent and that could be seen in their yellow eyes.  They launched forward, while growling and making very ear-raping sounds.

Two of them decided to attack Mingi since he was the one who was familiar with them. Yunho and I got one each. I couldn't really focus on the others since that green fucker decided to jump on me. I luckily dodged the attack but it soon turned around to repeat the same move.

Eventually I figured it out that the smart fucker was testing me and what I'm capable of. "So you want to play like this. Bring it then sis." I provoked the green monster. It growled even louder and it jumped again, expecting me to dodge.... however that didn't happen. I grabbed it by it's neck, my nails breaking the green skin. It made a whine before I threw it straight to the ground. The impact was so big that it made a huge crack on the floor. Before it could get up, I jumped on it and broke one of it's legs. The cracking sound was very disturbing but I had to deal with it.

I got up and smirked in satisfaction. The green dog-like thing had a hard time getting up since he had 3 useable legs left. "That's all you got?" I annoyed it. I realized that it actually understood what I was saying.

It made a high pitched scream before jumping towards my direction. It obviously missed and with a loud thud, it was laying on the ground again. I got annoyed fucking around with the thing so I decided to just finish it off. As I walked closer to the laying body I noticed that it wasn't moving. I frowned and squatted down next to it. See, that was my mistake.

As soon as I was in a somewhat vulnerable position, the creature turned around with lightning speed. It knocked me down and made a big-ass wound with it's huge claws. My chest started bleeding but it was fine. I was so pissed off that I got fooled by a green dog. I threw it off of me and got up.

From all of the rage my nails got even sharper so they were basically claws now. I sliced it's stomach open with both of my claws. It was very messy and bloody but that was expected. The thing had red colored blood obviously but not like humans.

Human blood had a sweet and addictive smell meanwhile this smelled like literal trash. I coughed from the disgusting smell but kept on going. I ignored the pain in my ears, caused by the screams of the creature.

With a last scream, it stopped shaking and died.  I got up panting and took a look at the others. Yunho was flying up and down while dragging the dead body of the creature around. It got caught up in everything, damaging it even more. Innocent angels they say....

Mingi has already killed one of them but he still had one who seemed to be a bit larger than the rest.  I realized that Mingi also had wings but they were black and more similar to a bat's wing. His eyes of course were still pitch black and he had black horns. If that wasn't scary enough, his skin was black on a few areas, like it was burnt to the core. Should I mention that he also had a spiked tail?

In conclusion, he looked fucked up in a scary and intimidating way. No wonder he's a demon. He had a few scars and wounds but the green creature was bleeding from numerous places. One of it's eyes was laying on the ground along with it's horns.

Then, out of nothing Mingi shot a black arrow which went trough the heart of the green thing. It made a few pained sounds before it fell to the ground.

I looked around, bodies laying around with a lot of blood. None of us got badly hurt but I soon realized that the creatures had blood on their teeth before the fight even broke out. I started looking around the classroom and saw a separate room. As I walked closer, a sweet scent hit me. "Oh no..." I entered the room and was greeted with a body.  It was nearly destroyed since the lower half was gone. When I looked at the victim's face, I realized that it wasn't a school employee or a student. Based off his clothes, he seemed like a homeless guy who just wanted to find a peaceful place to get warm. It was quite cold outside.

I felt sorry for the guy, he didn't deserve to die like this. "Guys, come here." I called out for them. Yunho came in, his wings and halo gone.  "What- OH MY GOD!" He said when he saw the body. "Can you do something about it?" I asked him and he just nodded. He lifted both of his arms up and whispered a few things in a different language. Eventually the body disappeared. Leaving nothing but mist around.

We walked out and saw Mingi throwing the dead monsters in something which seemed like a portal. Mingi was back to his not so demonic form and his eyes were back to the greenish color. That obviously was still weird considering the fact that it should have been gold in the first place.

After there were no more bodies left, Mingi closed up the portal and turned to us. "So, what did we just kill?" I asked Mingi. He sighed and rubbed his neck. "They are from a Chinese alternative universe. According to ancient books they once roamed the surface of the Earth but got banished for slaughtering a village in China." Mingi explained. "Their plan was to destroy the Great Wall but that never happened."

"Do they have a name or something?" Yunho asked and Mingi nodded. "Tao Tie." Mingi answered. His eyes scanned the bloody floors before looking at Yunho. That was enough for the angel to whisper some kind of spell which magically made all of the blood disappear.

"Are you also a magician?" I joked. Both of them laughed and we left room 15A. "Thank you for helping me. I wouldn't have survived them alone." Mingi gave me a small hug and kissed Yunho's cheek. "No problem Mingi-ssi." Yunho grinned at him. I smiled at the cute pair but that smile soon turned to a pained expression. I looked at my bleeding chest in confusion. It should have gotten healed by now. Then I started getting dizzy and the world was spinning. My vision became blurry and all I could see was black.

Suddenly I fell to the ground, darkness taking over my senses...


Sudden bloody chapter....👀


Blood To All / JongsangWhere stories live. Discover now