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Yeosang's pov:

"What did he mean by information spreads faster?" Minho asked me as we were walking towards his apartment which he shared with Jisung. "I honestly have no idea, the kid just gives me weird vibes." I said. "But San seems to really like him for some reason."

"Don't forget that sirens are extremely good at manipulating people. San may not be human but he can still get manipulated by this Chan kid." Minho said and I nodded in agreement. "Let's just keep an eye on him for now." I said.

Suddenly I started feeling a bit dizzy and my vision became hazy. 'No shit I don't wanna pass out again' I thought to myself. "You ok?" Minho saw how I was struggling not to fall. "I'm dizzy and my head hurts so fucking much." I shut my eyes close and tried to forget about the pain. "Open your eyes for a sec." Minho said with a stern voice so I did as he told.

"Fucking hell! When was the last time you ate?" He cursed as he grabbed my arm. "I have no idea." I said and felt him pulling towards a dark alley. "You need to feed." He said and I just let him drag me around like a rag doll.

"But I promised him that I wouldn't kill people anymore." My voice was barely audible. "You are going to pass out if you don't eat so forget about that." Minho said again, he was visibly mad at the fact that I was in such shape. "Wait here okay? Try not to lose consciousness." He sat me down on the cold ground as he approached a lonely guy in the dark hallway. I honestly felt bad for the guy, he didn't deserve to die.

"Hey can I talk to you for a second?" Minho approached him with his fake-ass voice. "Sure what's up-" He was cut off with Minho jumping on him. I was greeted with the familiar sounds of agonizing screams and flesh ripping. I really did feel sorry for the guy, I can just hope that Minho was fast and didn't let him suffer.

After a couple of minutes Minho dragged the lifeless body to me so that I didn't risk falling to the ground. Minho was covered in blood which matched his eyes. "Here." He pointed to the body and I just sighed. I didn't want to do it, I was so used to hunting animals instead of humans that I forgot how it was really like. Before everything happened, I didn't give a single fuck about the people I killed but now, I felt really guilty.

My hunger got the best of me and before I could stop myself, I was already glued to the guy's neck as I sucked the red liquid out of his lifeless body. The taste of human blood was much sweeter and I could feel myself getting better. The pounding headache disappeared with each droplet of blood.

After a couple of minutes the guy looked unrecognizable. Minho and I basically destroyed the poor guy. "Shit we need to get rid of the body." Minho cursed as he wiped his mouth. "Don't worry." I said. I collected my thoughts and murmured a few words in an unfamiliar language. The spell luckily worked and the body, or what was left of it disappeared with the blood stains.

"Wow how did you do that?" Minho looked at me wide-eyed. "Hanbin taught me a few spells." I said as I stood up and tried to get the dried blood off of my mouth and chin. "Let's go, people are going to freak out if they see us like this." I said and started walking away. "You are weird." Minho chuckled as we kept on walking to his apartment.  And to answer your questions, yes there were a few people who we had to walk past by and yes they freaked the fuck out but after seeing the death glares both of us gave them they decided to panic silently.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I raised my eyebrows as we were approaching the apartment complex. "Well it's nice that Hanbin has taught you a few spells but you actually need to be a wizard to make them work. Vampires aren't supposed to use magic yet here you are making a dead body disappear." He exclaimed and I just rolled my eyes. "Well he has thought me well! Let's just change topic already." Minho knew damn well that I was already having a hard time discovering who, no what I really was so I had no idea why he was making it even harder for me.

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