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"Wha-what? Are t-they r-real?" He stuttered while eyeing me. "Yes, all of those things are real... There are so many things you don't know about our world..." I could see him trying to process what I was saying. It must have been shocking for someone like him to hear the truth.

"Are there... more of yours in the school as well?" He asked again with his big doe eyes. "Of course, there are a lot of them in the school which I find quite surprising." He just nodded. He really seemed lost in all of the new information.

"But hey, if you have any questions I'm here to answer. I know quite a lot about supernaturals, not as much as Hongjoong Hyung though." I smiled but seeing Jongho's surprised face made me realize that my fangs were still out. "So umm... exactly what kind of 'beings' are there?" He seemed a bit shy which made me chuckle.

"There are obviously vampires like me and Seonghwa, werewolves, angels, and demons are the most known but there are also sirens, and wizards/witches but they are rare. The rarest ones are the grim reapers." I ended my explanation. Jongho's eyes widened at the mention of the grims. "What- you mean grim reapers with the skull and all? Aren't they the personification of death?" Jongho asked again.

"Well, in this society everyone imagines them like that but they are nowhere close to that. They don't take the soul of a dead person, in fact they help the soul travel to their own dimension. Grims can also see the future and the way people will die. They can also take the form of a raven, a quite huge one to be honest." I have only one grim reaper friend but it's been long since we have last met. He apparently moved to Los Angeles.

"Wow, that's so interesting to hear. It's like all of my childhood stories are coming true." Jongho laughed. I was happy to hear his laugh, I didn't like the scared Jongho, especially if I was the one who was making him scared. "I know right? It is very cool and all but it has a lot of disadvantages." I sighed but kept my small smile not to ruin the mood.

"What do you mean?" Jongho asked. "Uhm... there are people... w-who hunt down and k-kill my kind.... sometimes even torture them." I cursed inside my head for stuttering so much. I hated showing my weak side but Jongho was really bringing it out of me.

"Why are they doing that? They shouldn't kill innocent people for being different." Jongho whined in annoyance which I found adorable. "They think that we are a threat to humanity and shit like that. However, the ones like me are far from innocent." I sighed again. I really didn't want to bring up the fact that I was killing people but Jongho deserved to know.

"Jongho... there's something you need to know about me... I have killed a lot of people for my own survival. I feed off of them and that's in my nature. I can't change it, although I have been trying to go on a 'diet' lately..." I was expecting Jongho to scream and yell at me, to call me a murderer and monster. But none of that happened.

"Hyung... I'm not mad at you. You did what you did to survive, you said it yourself, it's in your nature. Of course it's a big crime to kill innocent humans but it's exactly the same to humans killing animals for food." Jongho gave me the most genuine smile I have ever received and at that moment my chest exploded from a warm feeling. All my life, people called me all different names... monster, murderer, heartless, cruel and evil to the core. Hearing Jongho's reassuring and understanding words made me feel something new inside. Something warm and comforting...

Without hesitation, I threw my arms around him and hugged him tight. That obviously surprised him at first but he soon relaxed and wrapped his arms around my waist. I wasn't a big fan of skinship so I even surprised myself. Jongho was seriously making me feel different things.

"Thank you so much for saying that. No human has ever accepted my true self. You have no idea how much this means to me." I smiled at the younger boy, obviously forgetting my long-ass fangs which were probably terrifying to him. He didn't seem scared though.

Blood To All / JongsangWhere stories live. Discover now