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Hanbin smiled at Mingi and they shook hands. "Nice to meet you." Hanbin said. Then he smiled at me and gave me another bone crushing hug. "Damn, I missed you so fucking much."

"I missed you too Binnie." Yeah, he also has a nickname that only I'm allowed to use. "So why are you guys here?" He asked while eyeing the still on-going red portal. "We need your help." Mingi spoke up and I nodded in agreement. "Someone's after me, they sent one of their men to sort of kidnap me but they weren't so lucky to put it in a simple way." I gave Hanbin the 'you know what I mean' look and continued.

"The thing is that I've already burned the body so we can't really identify him." I could feel his annoyed glare on me but I still continued my explanation. "So we would like to ask you-"

"You want me to bring back his soul." He rolled his emerald green eyes. "Not exactly though." Mingi interrupted. "My cousin can do that with no problem. We need you to find out about him. His boss in particular." Hanbin just nodded and sighed.

"Fine but I will need my stuff for it." He said and grabbed his wand. It's not like the Harry Potter one so don't even start thinking things. This wand looked very ugly and weird.

It had green vines on it which were also sticky for some reason. It also had a big green jewel on the top of it which was gloving. The worst part of it was that every time Hanbin used it, scary sounds were coming out of it. Similar to whispers of lost souls...

"Want us to help with packing?" Mingi offered. Hanbin just looked at him before waving his wand. Literally just like magic, all of his things were in big suitcases, ready to go. "You were saying?" He asked. "Nevermind." Mingi rolled his eyes playfully before extending the red portal.

"Are we ready to go?" He asked. Both Hanbin and I nodded. "I fucking hate this shit." I rolled my eyes at the portal which I hated too much already. "First time using one?" Hanbin laughed, his beautiful heart smile showing. It was just enough to see that smile to make you feel better.

"It's actually the second time but I hate it already." I rolled my eyes. Then the familiar feeling hit me again and I got drowned into the portal. My head hurt like a bitch and the dizziness didn't help the situation at all.

Eventually we got back to Korea and I landed with a loud thud. It was more painful than the last one so I groaned in annoyance. "This shit I swear..." Hanbin and Mingi laughed at me. "Good to know that ya'll are having fun at least." I groaned again as I stood up.

"So..." Hanbin cleared his throat. "I will need a place to stay at." He looked at me with that mischievous grin of his. "Come on you." I laughed and grabbed his hand. "Thanks Mingi for the help." I thanked him. "No problem, inform us if there's something new." He waved before closing the portal.

Then I turned to Hanbin who seemed to be fascinated by the sight of Seoul again. It's been way too long since he has last been here. I bet he missed it, his disappearance was sudden and painful. He was my only friend back then, not to mention our relationship.

"Are you happy to be back?" I gave him a side hug as we were walking down the streets of Seoul. "More than ever. I missed everything, especially you." He sighed but didn't look at my pained expression. I knew how hard it was for him to leave everything behind, he didn't have a choice though.

"I missed you too Binnie, let's have a fresh start. We should forget what happened years ago, let's move forward." I side-eyed him as he nodded. "Sounds good to me."

The rest of our walk wasn't really interesting to write down in a chapter so let's skip forward.

Approximately 20 minutes later:

"Hwa! I need to talk to you." I yelled as we entered the house. Hanbin looked around and put his big suitcases down. "This house is nicer than the last one." He commented and I rolled my eyes playfully. "The last one you have been to was built 50 years ago." I laughed as I hit his arm lightly.

"What's up with you Sang-... Oh hello Hanbin." Seonghwa smiled at the brown-haired boy and gave him a bone crushing hug. "What made you come back?" He asked him. "This man dragged me back from Japan." He hugged me from the back and for a quick second, I blushed at his cute action.

"Oh really? That's very sweet and all but, Yeosang what did you do again?" He gave me one of his strict glares and I just rolled my eyes. "Mingi made a portal so we could get him from Japan." I bluntly said as Hanbin's arms were still wrapped around my slim waist.

"Oh Jesus. Why did you need to get Hanbin in the first place. No offense but you could have done that years ago." He continued. "See that's the thing I needed to tell you." I sighed. Just to let ya'll know, he still has zero clue about the whole Jongho thing...

"So you know my friend Jongho. He sort of slept over and nearly got killed by a vamp. I kind of saved Jongho by killing that thing right in front of him and then he was so shocked that I kind of needed to tell him the truth." I said. "You sad 'kind of' two times." Hanbin commented and I rolled my eyes at him. Seonghwa on the other hand was lost for words. I was waiting for one of his lectures about keeping our secret or to yell his living soul out on me. None of that happened luckily.

"Okay, I understand the reason you had to do it but that doesn't mean I'm happy about it. You still should have been more careful." Seonghwa gave me another one of those 'strict mom' glares. "Can Jongho keep our secret?" He asked me. "Yeah, he is very different from most humans." For a second I was seeing his bright smile again. With his cute chubby cheeks and pouty lips. Okay that's too gay Yeosang...

"I hope you are right. Anyways, Hanbin you can stay as long as you'd like." He hugged him one more time before heading back to the living room.

"That went unexpectedly well." I said after Seonghwa left and laughed. "I want to meet this Jongho. You seem to be all over him." The wizard laughed at me and I just rolled my eyes. "Am not." I replied.

"Yeah yeah, sure thing." He said before grabbing his wand. With a quick wave, all of his stuff disappeared, probably in his room. "What's the time?" He asked me. I looked at my phone and my eyes widened. "It's nearly 2 am, you should go sleep." I basically showed him into his room and closed the door behind him.

"Good night!" I yelled and went to my room as well. Obviously, I wasn't tired at all so I decided to work on my biology project. I grabbed a random notebook and my laptop, wanting to start the introduction of it.

My original plans were to have a peaceful night when I could do some school work without getting distracted.

Hanbin decided otherwise...



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