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I woke up to wet dog smell. My mind first screamed San but then a different scent caught my attention. It was a much more dominant smell and as I started becoming more conscious I realized that there were not just one source the smell came from.

As I opened my eyes I saw Minho next to me, playing Five Nights at Freddy's on his phone. I seriously didn't understand this dude sometimes, He is so scared of horror movies so seeing him play a horror game full of jumpscares made me sigh in annoyance. "Why the fuck are you playing that game." I tiredly said while rubbing my burning eyes. They really hurt for some reason and my back was also killing me slowly.

"Oh you're finally awake. And I'm playing with it because I was bored while watching over you." He said and went back to internal screaming from the nervousness he was feeling from a bunch of animatronics. "You don't need to watch over me dude. And anyways we should be worried about you not me. You got kidnapped for the love of god!" I exclaimed. "And you were the one who killed all of those fuckers, saved Mingi, found me and called the others just in the right time. Seriously, nothing bad happened to me, I'm healthy and feel completely fine. You on the other hand turned nearly into a gigantic bat and that's seriously not normal or natural." Minho looked at me with wide eyes. I sighed and rubbed my burning eyes. Honestly, I didn't want the others to know about what happened back there. I didn't want to worry them with this sudden new ability of mine. I wanted to figure it out myself before letting them know. I guess Mingi was a bit shocked when he saw me doing... all of that.

"I don't even remember much of what happened." I felt helpless and it made me feel weak. "Don't worry Sangie, we will figure this out." That was the last thing he said before Freddy jumped in his face and he yeeted his phone away while screaming. I swear to god this kid never learns.

"You seriously shouldn't play that. By the way why the fuck does the house smell like a bunch of wet dogs?" I scrunched my nose in disgust. After his minor heart attack, Minho looked at me and helped me up. "I overheard Seonghwa talking to a pack leader so I suppose they are downstairs talking and all." Minho said and turned off the game. I nodded and walked to the bathroom.

"Also, how long was I out?" I asked him. "I think for like 3 or 4 days." He said and left the room. "Fucking hell..." I sighed again. I quickly got myself together and picked out some decent clothes. The wet dog smell started getting worse by minute so I went downstairs to check it out.

Once I got down I saw a lot of unfamiliar people in the living room. All of them were werewolves so San must be living his best life. "Ah you are awake." Seonghwa looked at me with a wide smile. "Everyone, this is my brother Yeosang." He introduced me to the pack. All of them looked very unpredictable, especially the one with the snow-white hair. That's why I hated werewolves in the first place, you never know their true intentions until it's too late.

"Hello, I'm Lee Taeyong. I'm the leader of this pack with my mate Jaehyun." He introduced himself but it was visible that he didn't feel comfortable being with vampires. "Why are they here?" I turned to Seonghwa with an annoyed gaze. "I asked them to come over to discuss some things. Mainly about our dear friend who decided to randomly kidnap Minho, tried killing an innocent human and so on." He explained.

The tense atmosphere was soon interrupted by Jongho coming down. My heart beat instantly sped up for some reason. My eyes were glued to the brown haired boy as he was coming closer to us. He was wearing comfy clothes which he pulled off so well. Without effort he looked so hot and fresh. I soon came back to reality and shook my head.

"Oh hey Taeyong where's Jaehyun?" Jongho happily went to the alpha who's gaze immediately softened. "He stayed back with the omegas who are in their heat." He said with a small smile. But as soon as he shifted his gaze back at us, he turned cold and distant.

"So Seonghwa why did you call us here? I don't want to waste my time here." He said with the most annoying tone ever. "Right. I want to ask you to make peace with us in order to take our common enemy down. We know nothing about this someone who' sending all of these supernaturals to harm us. They even had a mutant goblin guarding their basement which Yeosang had to take down." Seonghwa explained.

"I will make peace with you guys without doubt, I don't need my pack being worried about all of you. However I won't join you. This person didn't cause me harm and I only care about my pack and their well being." He said. At that moment my blood started to boil. Who the fuck he think he is? Anyways, Jongho was visibly surprised as well.

"What about San or me? We are not part of your pack." He said with a hint of sadness in his eyes. The same sadness that I left him with. "Don't worry Jong, we will protect you guys from anyone. But don't lay your trust in them. We saw how well they protected you guys the last time." He gave me a death glare as saying the last sentence.

"We should leave now. We won't attack, only when defending our borders." He said as he stood up and signaled his pack members. "Thank you for your time." Seonghwa was also irritated by their coldness. They left the house and we sat in silence.

"This is the exact reason I don't trust werewolves." I said and rolled my eyes. "Same." Seonghwa rubbed his temples with a tired sigh. "Get some rest while you can Sangie." Seonghwa said as he went in the kitchen, probably to look for Hongjoong. I turned to Jongho but as soon as I laid eyes on him he turned away and left me, like I was some ghost. I don't blame him though.

It's going to be a nightmare to make up to him. I was such a dick to him, just because I was scared of my own feelings. I hurt him so bad without even realizing it.

I don't think that he can ever forgive me...


I have been watching Five Nights at Freddy's videos for a week now and I missed it so much. I've been a fan since 2015 so it's good to be back. I even own a Freddy and a Mangle plushie which are cute to be honest. Not like in the game...

 Not like in the game

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