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Slight Trigger warning!!!

if you are uncomfortable skip from the exclamation mark

Yeosang's pov:

Shortly after we got to know Younghyun, Minho woke up with a killer headache. To say he was mad at Hanbin was an understatement. Fortunately, he couldn't do shit to the wizard since Hanbin was much more powerful than him.

Eventually, Minho left with a scoff and we decided to finish our hangout later. Younghyun stayed quiet for most of the time, I bet he is worried for that fairy Wonpil. When I heard that Minho got kidnapped I was broken inside. He has been by my side for the longest along with Seonghwa. At this point Seonghwa and I both considered the younger our bother.

"Sangie?" I heard Hanbin call out my name. I turned to his direction and gave him a questioning look. "I'm going to take Younghyun with me, we are going to explore their house."

"Or what's left of it." Younghyun commented in a bitter tone. He was visibly hurt. "Okay, call me if you two need anything." I said. "Will do." Hanbin replied and with that they left Yunho's house.

I decided to look for Yunho since everyone has left. Luckily, he had a relatively small house so finding him shouldn't be a problem. The blue haired angel was in his potion room when I finally found him. I saw him holding a bottle of angel's tears which is the same potion I used for Jongho to heal his wound. It was very rare for angels to cry so getting the potion was extremely difficult.

"Is that a new one?" I asked. He nodded his head in response and handed me the small bottle, filled with the clear, sparkling substance. "You can keep that one." He said softly. "Don't you need it?" I looked at him with concern. "Nah, I have a lot now." He sadly smiled. "Why? What happened?"

"I have gotten into an argument with Mingi, we are taking a break." I could see he was on the verge of bursting into tears. "He wants to go back to Hell of confront his father." He continued. "He doesn't understand how dangerous it is for him to return. You just can't imagine how much we have suffered because of his pathetic excuse of a father. He even kidnapped me once and kept me in hell for weeks to break us apart." At this point the blue haired angle was a crying mess.

"Why does he want to meet his father?" I asked. Yunho took a deep breath and grabbed an empty bottle. With shaking hands, he filled the glass with his sparkling tears.

"He wants to kill him..."

Jongho's pov:

I'm currently in my room, playing Minecraft cuz I was hella bored. To be honest I'm not much of a gamer but I was so bored that I couldn't think of anything else to do. San is in his room with some guy named Chan. He gives off really weird vibes so I don't really trust him. I'm not even going to mention the way he dresses. 

So anyways they are doing homework together or at least I hope. I was planning on inviting Woo over but he had other plans with Hwanwoong. I'm a bit jealous, Wooyoung has been spending a lot of time with Hwanwoong lately and has been completely ignoring me. I considered him my best friend but right now I'm really doubting it. Ever since Minho's rescue, all of the guys just straight up forgot about my existence. San's the only one who stayed by my side.

Suddenly I heard my door open with a squeaking sound. I turned my head towards the direction of the sound, seeing a familiar mop of black hair and sea blue piercing eyes. "What do you want?" I asked him with a cold tone. "What's up with the mean attitude Jongie?" He pouted. The way he spoke made me want to puke. He locked the door and slowly made his way towards the end of my bed.

"Where's San?" I asked him as I tried to sit further away. "He went out to the store." He spoke in a teasing tone. "So, you decided to annoy me while he's gone, right?" I rolled my eyes. "Oh, baby I wouldn't annoy you for sure." He smirked.

He got closer and a wave of panic ran through me. "C-can you move away, you are getting too close." I stuttered which was a mistake. "Awh don't be scared hun, I'm not going to hurt you... Unless you want me to of course..." His gaze was dark and full of lust.


He sat next to me and caressed my thighs. "S-stop." I managed to stutter out. My heart was racing and my breathing was uneven. He gently moved his fingers on my thighs, whispering dirty things in my ear. I gathered all my courage to push him away roughly and quickly stood up.

"I SAID STOP!" I yelled and I could already feel tears stinging my eyes. He walked to me and grabbed both of my arms. "Don't cry baby boy, I'm gonna make you feel so good." He leaned closer and roughly kissed me. I wanted to push him away so bad but he was way stronger than me. I just stood there, being held down by his surprisingly strong arms and silently cried. He started sucking my neck roughly which would surely leave marks.

"W-why are y-you doing t-this?" I sobbed out as he unbuttoned the first button of my shirt. "I know things, imagine how hurt he will be when he finds you getting fucked by me so mercilessly, screaming my name and shaking from how good I'm making you feel." I wanted to gag at his disturbing comment.

He travelled his lips to my collarbones, leaving deep purple bruises on the sensitive skin. One of his hands found my thighs again but now his grasp was much stronger. With a strong squeeze, he moved his hands further up, reaching my private parts.

"Ple-please s-stop." I cried but my tears meant nothing to him. His hands kept creeping around my body and I slowly accepted my fate. I felt so disgusting, being touched by a non-human selfish creature who could kill me any minute.


Just when I was about to let go of all hope I heard a loud bang. Chan suddenly let go of me and turned to the source of the sound. My door was broken to pieces.

Just before I could say anything Chan fell on the ground with someone being on top of him. Blood suddenly covered the wooden floor and walls.

"WHO THE FUCK YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" I heard Chan yell while holding his bleeding arm and sides. The stranger said something in a non-human, demonic tone, which seemed to have scared the living soul out of Chan. Just when the stranger was about to finish him off, the black-haired siren jumped out of my window, landing with a big thud.

"Are you okay?" The stranger asked in a way too familiar tone. "Uhm... No to be honest." I said. "Wait.... are you-" Realization hit me.

"I'm so fucking sorry." Yeosang turned to me. His blood red eyes were slightly glowing in the dim room. "I- what...." I looked at him with a confused yet hurt expression.

"Can we talk?"


I'm sorry if I was a bit inactive, I had a bunch of trips coming up with family and friends so I had no time to write.

I felt so bad for making Chan one of the "bad" guys. Poor baby deserves better than that :((((

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