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Jongho's pov:

I was talking with San in the busy halls. Wooyoung had to go to a business trip with his parents for some reason so I was alone most of the time. Yeosang was hunting in the forest so I couldn't talk to him either. Obviously, I didn't want to disturb his friends so San was my only company.

"Jongho, you seem to be very focused." San broke me from my thoughts. I looked at him and sighed. "I'm just thinking about..."

"Yeosang?" He spoke up, not letting me finish. "What? No!." I could feel my cheeks burning and rolled my eyes. That's one of the things I stole from Yeosang. "You are so cute while blushing." He kept on teasing. "I ship ya two. The cold and mysterious bad guy and the sweet hearted apple boy." I gave him a death glare at the nickname. "I hate when you call me apple boy." I rolled my eyes again. "I know and I love it." He laughed and I lightly punched his arm.

Then Wooyoung sat down next to us. "You are back already?" San asked while eyeing the black haired boy. "What can I say? It was a short trip." Wooyoung let out one of his dolphin laughs. "What did you do?" I asked him, having a slight idea about the actual reason. "My parents had to take care of a few things..." His answer screamed bullshit but I let that slide. I gave San a worried look.

"Anyways, did something happen while I was gone?" He tried to quickly change the topic. "I mean, not really. You were only away for two days." San's bright mood soon vanished. I could tell that he was afraid of Wooyoung's parents.

I found out about him being a werewolf when I came home from Yeosang's. He didn't want to lie to me anymore. I was shocked at first but after seeing Yeosang literally rip a guy apart, I was pretty chill.

I expected him to be this huge beast with ugly gray skin. However when he changed I couldn't help but to pet his soft black fur. He was so cute and clingy that I started mistaking him for a giant puppy.

"Imma go now guys. Bye Wooyoung." San coldly looked at Wooyung but his gaze turned softer once his eyes drifted towards me.

" San coldly looked at Wooyung but his gaze turned softer once his eyes drifted towards me

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"Bye Sannie." I hugged him and whispered in his ear. "Don't worry about him." He nodded and left. "What's up with him?" Wooyoung asked. I scoffed and answered him. "He tends to get cold towards people." I said with the same cold tone. "Well okay, you two keep on being salty, Imma go and find Hwanwoong." He got up and left me alone. I rolled my eyes and cursed under my breath. Hwanwoong was one of his new friends, Yeosang told me that his parents were also hunters. Fan-fucking-tastic if you ask me.

I decided to find the said vampire, now that Wooyoung left. It wasn't hard to find him since he showed me his new 'thinking spot'. I went outside to the school's yard and climbed a certain oak tree. Once I was close enough, I jumped on the roof of a building which was right next to the tree. I landed with a thud, luckily on my legs. The first time Yeosang showed me this I accidentally fell sideways.

Anyways I climbed off the roof and entered the abandoned building. It was dark and cold inside. I looked up to the ceiling, not getting scared by the terrifying sight that welcomed me.

"Hello Sangie

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"Hello Sangie." I smiled at the pair of bright red eyes. He jumped down from the ceiling and opened one window. I could see his face now with his bloody lips. I also saw the leftover deer in the corner of the room. "What? I promised you that I'd try to kill less people." He raised his hands in defense. "I didn't say anything." I laughed. "Good."

"Anyways what are you doing here?" He eyed me while licking his still bloody lips. "I had an argument with Wooyoung so I decided to find you." I answered him. "Wanna do something?" I asked him and he nodded in agreement. "Let me fix myself first." He grabbed a random towel and wiped his lips.

He followed me outside and once the sunlight hit his creamy white skin, I swear his skin was glowing for a quick moment. His outfit screamed hot and it was hard not to check him out for hours. The black and red together was literally the best two colors for him and the silver chains made his light skin stand out more.

 The black and red together was literally the best two colors for him and the silver chains made his light skin stand out more

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"Like what you see?" He smirked and brushed his hair back. "Hahaha very funny." I rolled my eyes while blushing like a high school girl. "Come on, I want to show you something." He grabbed my hand and started pulling me. "Wait! What about last period?" I looked at him with worried eyes. "We're gonna skip, now come on." He tightened his grip on my hand and pulled me out of the school.

"You are gonna kill me one day." I joked while we walked down the busy streets of Seoul. "You wouldn't like that trust me." He joked and I hit his arm lightly. Eventually we reached the forest, a light layer of snow and frost made it look very fairy tale-like. "Come, jump on my back." He ordered me. I gave him a questioning look. He rolled his eyes and like lighting I was on his back. "How the fu-." I couldn't finish my sentence because he started running in full speed. It was like sitting in a race car without windows and shit like that.

He was jumping over cliffs and huge rocks. Eventually we arrived at the top of the mountain. It took me quite a while to realize that we were on top of a legit mountain. "What are we doing here?" I asked him. Then my jaws dropped as I turned around. A big wooden house was located on the top. It looked very cozy and comfy.

"We are staying here for the weekend. San packed a few things for you." He said and walked inside, not waiting for my response.

Well this is going to be interesting....


I miss Dubai so much and being back in school sucks ass. 😑

Also,readerishere0 pranked me today but she was so cute afterwards like she was saying sorry a million times and I was like 'I love her so fucking much' which is not new. So anygays I'm pretty much in love with her, thx for reading me bragging about my girlfriend uwu.🥴✊❤️

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