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Peter heard the faint, steady beeping of a heart monitor as he drifted into consciousness. He opened his eyes and looked around sleepily. Tony sat, he knee bouncing anxiously, as he stared off into the distance.

"Mr. Stark? How long was I out...?" Peter asked slowly.

Tony's head shot up and his exhaled in relief as he looked at Peter, "Hey kid, you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine," Peter felt something on his face and touched it lightly resulting in a wince. The side of his face was covered in patches to hide his burns. That's when a memory hit him, "Wait! The explosion! What happened? Is everyone okay? Where's Steve?"

"On your left," Steve's voice said.

Peter looked to his left and he smiled, Steve looked well, only a few bruises and small burns, "I'm glad you're okay. How's everyone else?"

"Thanks to you, they're okay," Steve answered, "but um..." his voice trailed off nervously.

Peter frowned then looked at Tony, "Whats wrong?"

Tony looked down at the ground and didn't answer. A nurse walked into the room with May who looked at Peter and rushed to him.

"Are you alright?" She asked as she gently cupped his face in her hands.

It stung a little bit not enough for Peter to care, "I'm fine Aunt May... but why's everyone being so weird? What happened?"

May ran her hand through Peter's hair anxiously and looked at the nurse. The nurse sighed softly and looked at Peter sympathetically.

"I know this isn't going to be easy for you, but," she hesitated, "In the explosion, you lost your legs."

The world went silent as Peter's heart rate quickened. He felt faint and barely heard Tony's distant voice asking if he was okay. He couldn't respond, he just opened and closed his mouth a few times as if trying to say something but couldn't. Peter reaches for the blue blanket covering him, his movements seemed to be happening in slow motion, as if he were stoned (yes, he knew the feeling better than he cared to). He took the edge of the blanket and yanked it off him, staring blankly at his legs. Except... they weren't there. His right leg had been torn clean off, leaving no trace of its existence. His left leg was cut off at his knee, so there was still some flesh left.

Tony put his arm around Peter comfortingly, "It'll be okay Pete. I'll take care of you," he promised.

Peter leaned into Tony and felt Steve place his hand on Peter's shoulder. He sighed heavily, despite being surrounded by three people who he loved more than anything, he felt so lost and alone. What was he going to do? Would MJ still love him? Would he still be able to be Spiderman? Tony's phone dinged and he glanced at it with a small smile.

"Morgan wants to come see you, is that okay?" Tony checked.

Peter slowly nodded, "Y-yeah," his voice broke, he was on the verge of tears.

May kissed his forehead lovingly and Peter closed his eyes, refusing to let anyone see him cry. The nurse left the room to give the family a moment alone.

About a half hour later, Morgan came racing into the room. Ignoring her father, she clambered up the side of the medical bed and gave Peter a tight hug. Pepper followed a second later, taking a seat next to Tony and saying hello to May. Peter hugged Morgan kindly, like a big brother should and almost smiled.

"I wanted to save you," Morgan stated, she was wearing a light blue shirt with the Spiderman mask printed on the front.

"You already saved me," Peter muttered to her, "I'm saved."

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