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Peter awoke with a terrible headache and the weight of a little girl using his stomach as a trampoline. He peeped open one eye and saw Morgan gently jumping on him making him smile. He sat up quickly and wrapped his arms around her. Morgan giggled gleefully and rested her arms around Peter, nuzzling into him comfortably.

"What makes you act funny?" Morgan asked.

Despite being a little confused on why she was asking the question, Peter half-answered anyways, "This weird stuff that you need to stay far away from," then, Peter looked over at Tony who stood in the doorway, "I promise I wasn't that bad Tony. I got here myself."

"I disagree. Nat had to drive you, while you sat in the back seat pretending to drive while using her laptop as a steering wheel, you hardly recognized any of us, and you thought you didn't have lips," Tony stated flatly.

"Oh fuck, really?" Peter's eyes widened slightly.

Morgan wiggled out of Peter's arms and looked at him with a big grin, "Fuck?"

"Don't say that word," Peter ordered then gently put one finger over her lips when she repeated the swear again, "That's my word, only I can say that," then he paused at a memory of tussling in the bedsheets with is girlfriend and held back laughter, "and occasionally MJ."

Tony shook his head, "We have to get you to stop."

Peter looked at him with a stare that wasn't quite a glare, but still slightly hostile, "And if I don't want to?" They both looked at the confused Morgan and Peter sighed, "Why don't you go get us some nachos and we can watch a movie?"

"Yeah!" Morgan excitedly exclaimed and ran off.

Peter swung his legs over the side of his bed and faced Tony, "It helps me."

"It's ruining you."

"It let's me forget."

"It's bringing your grades down."

"It numbs my pain."

"We could get you painkillers."

"So you'd rather me get addicted to opioids?"


"Then I'm not quitting."

Tony sighed, "Well son, you're going to have to quit eventually."

Peter looked up at Tony in confusion, "What?"

"You signed the adoption forms while you were drunk," Tony explained with a smile.

"Oh," Peter's eyes widened, "thanks Dad."

Tony nodded slightly with a small smile. Peter stood up only to get a head rush and collapse back onto his bed with a grunt. As Tony shook his head, Morgan came running in with a bowl of cheesy nachos.

"I have nachos!" Morgan happily announced, then looked at Tony, "Do you wanna watch a movie with us."

"I do, but I got something to take care up," Tony replied with a loving smile, "sorry."

Morgan made her sad puppy face, "fine."

Tony shut the door as he walked away and sighed. Peter smiled at Morgan and she looked at him with a small grin. She took one cheese-covered chip from the bowl and stuffed it in his mouth.

"Nacho," She stated.

Peter held back laughter as he ate and swallowed the chip, "That it is."

As they cuddled up on Peter's bed, the siblings watched Star Wars and ate nachos. Halfway through the movie, MJ texted Peter, but Morgan refused to let him respond. He shrugged it off, not really caring for the text anyways. After the movie, Morgan skipped off to her family while Peter gave her a message to relay to the team saying that he was on a patrol of the city. Peter headed into the depths of the city with his backpack then retreated to an alleyway to dress himself in his Spiderman suit. He swung through the city but hadn't gotten far enough to find crime when he spotted a drunk man carrying two six packs of beer. Swiftly landing in front of the man, he folded his arms across his chest.

"How much?" He demanded.

"Fifie," The drunk replied, trying to say 'Fifty.'

Peter smirked under his mask and pulled his wallet out of his backpack and removed a five dollar bill, "Deal."

The man eagerly snatched the money from the Spiderman and he took the two cases of beer and swung off to the top of a building. Jackpot!

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