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Peter's memories had slowed to a complete stop after his third to last drink. How had he let himself blackout? He wouldn't remember later, but Camila had coaxed every sip of beer and whisky down his throat with bitter accusations towards his friends and family. The worst one, however, was when she spilled the truth on his relationship with MJ. This is all her fault. She would've helped me if she cared. For the girl's own sake, she was lucky she wasn't in Peter's company. If he had seen her, he would've yelled his hateful thoughts to her, he would've slapped her across the face and called her useless, and he'd gladly break up with her and leave her sorry ass to raise her child alone.

"Pete..." Camila's voice was slurred and her words jumbled, "why yoush cryin?"

Peter attempted to wipe hot tears off his cold cheeks only for his confused coordination to land his hand on his shoulder, "N... not cryin."

"Ayyyye love you Petey Pie," Camila cooed.

Peter let his head fall onto her shoulder; his failing body needed the extra support, "Lub yous too," his weary eyes forced themselves open, "er we shill at the bar?"

"Outdide, silly," Camila giggled, "youuu call sumun to pick us up."

"Ooohhhhhh," Peter let his eyes close again.

Camila played with his matter hair until a black car came to a stop in front of the bar. With his expression full of disapproval and concern, Sam approached the two teens. Peter looked up at him and squinted his eyes in blurry confusion.

"Whosyou," Peter demanded.

"It's me, Sam," the man patiently stated.

"Ssssam," Peter grinned, "Hey Cammy, I knosh him."

"Hey Petey, I dun't knosh him," Camila chuckled in response.

"Alright, get up," Sam extended his hand for Peter to take.

When Peter only mimicked the motion instead of grabbing the man's hand, he took hold of the boy's wrist and helped him stagger upright. Camila looked up at the two with dazed eyes and waved lazily with a sloppy grin on her face.

Sam sighed, "Peter, help your friend up."

"Whyyy not chu?" Peter asked.

"Because she's a drunk minor and I'm a full grown man, and I'm not exactly comfortable with that," Sam awkwardly explained.

"Yer weird," Peter replied, the pieces still not clicking as he yanked Camila onto her feet.

"Blah!" She yelped as vomit threatened to escape her throat.

"Oops," Peter chuckled as the two shakily managed to stay on their feet.

Sam guided them to his car then Peter helped Camila into the backseat. Once the two teens were safely tucked away in the car, Sam managed to get the address to Camila's house and started driving towards it. The girl had passed out and was leaning against the tinted window to hold up her slumbering body while Peter kept murmuring song lyrics to himself; Sam found this a little odd because there wasn't any music playing in the car.

"You. Don't. Know. How. Sick. You. Make. Me
You make me fuckin' sick to my stomach
Every time I think of you I puke
You must just not kno-o-o-ow
You may not think you do but you do
Every time I think of you I puke," The boy muttered to himself.

"Not half bad for drunk singing," Sam commented.

"Siming bout Emfay," Peter grumbled.

"MJ? Why?" Sam was actually concerned by that.

"I fuckin hate her," the teen bumbled, "am shhhe hah-hates me."

"What?" Sam glanced at him briefly, "Peter, that girl loves you with all her heart."

"Nah. This," he tapped his drunk chest twice, "ish her fault. Shhhe did this, neber helded me."

"She didn't help you because she was scared and didn't know what to do," Sam didn't really know why he was talking to a drunk, but he continued anyways, "she didn't want to tell anyone because she loves you and didn't want you getting in trouble. But she takes care of you when you're drunk, she texts you everyday to make sure you're alright and to tell you she loves you, and she worries nonstop about you. You need to show her more appreciation."

Peter was quiet a moment then slowly replied, "you'd be... a marry- a very good dad."

"Thanks, Pete," Sam smiled softly.

"Buvky ish a lucky guy."

"Why? Wait, Bucky and I aren't dating."


"Uh yeah," Sam shot him a confused look, "how long have you thought we were dating?"

"Forever," Peter burst into laughter and Sam shook his head as he thought to himself: this kid is such an idiot.

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