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"What about a middle name?" Adrian asked, "that one's up to you guys."

Peter didn't hesitate, "Quentin."

MJ whipped around to look at him, "Quentin? Like Quentin Beck? The jackass who tried killing Ned, Betty, and I! And almost killed you more than once!"

"Hey he wasn't a jackass, I actually really liked him," Peter defended, "he was a really smart, pretty good guy who just didn't have the right intentions. If Mr. Stark treated him with more respect, he wouldn't have done what he did. He helped me a lot to be honest, and I feel bad for killing him."

Adrian's eyes widened, "You what?! Wait who's Quentin Beck?!"

"Mysterio," Peter replied.

"Ohh, I thought he was a superhero."

"No, that was a whole illusion," MJ explained sharply.

"C'mon MJ, he would be a really good person if he had just been appreciated a little more," Peter pressed, "besides, if it wasn't for him, we wouldn't have started dating in the way we did, and admit it you liked it. And you wouldn't have gotten that mace that you still have."

MJ pressed her lips together, Peter was right, she loved her mace, "Okay fine. Besides, he was pretty cute."

"Oh my god shut up, don't say that about him," Peter pleaded then paused, "I mean he was handsome but still."

Adrian laughed, "You guys were born to be together."

"No," MJ disagreed.

"Yeah," Peter agreed at the same time then looked at her with a dismayed expression.

"Okay maybe," MJ corrected herself.

Peter smiled brightly at her and she kissed him briefly.

"Oh please no," Adrian looked away.

MJ swung her legs over Peter's lap, "Does this make you uncomfortable?"

"Uh yeah!" Adrian exclaimed.

MJ kissed Peter's cheek then cupped his face in the palm of her hand and kissed his lips a little more passionately than she normally would. Peter smiled against her lips as Adrian hurried away with his hands over his eyes

"Don't forget to tell him the thing!" Adrian reminded as he rushed to the safety of his room

Peter broke away from his girlfriend immediately, "What thing?"

MJ sighed and stood up then slowly made her way to the kitchen, "want something to eat?"

"Babe, is something wrong?" Peter asked as he stood up.

"Of course there's something wrong," MJ sighed, "There always is when you're in the equation."

"Fair enough," Peter frowned, "So talk to me."

"I want you to help me raise our child, but only if it's the real you," MJ shakily began, "not you when your drunk or whatever, that's not healthy for me or for the baby. I know what's good for me, and it's not you..."

Peter's nervous heart pounded faster and faster with every word MJ spoke, she couldn't be breaking up with him, she couldn't do that to him.

"If you end up drunk starting now to April 15th, we're done," MJ stated, "you won't meet this child, you won't raise this child, and you won't see me again. I'll do what it takes to keep myself and the child safe, even if that means moving away from you. I made the mistake of staying with you before, and I won't do it again."

Peter didn't say a word. He didn't have any words to say. All he could do was walk to MJ and embrace her lovingly from behind as his hands rested delicately on her swollen stomach. Neither said a word afterwards until Peter took a deep breath and kissed her neck softly and drew himself away. They both knew each other well enough to know this was the part where he left and went home while the weight of her words kicked in.

Peter hurried into the living room of the Compound, his breath shaky and his legs weak, he had run the entire way there. His eyes glued themselves to Tony and relief washed over him.

"Dad," Peter called, earning the man's attention, "I need your help."

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