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"So, the Daily Bugle is hiring for the position of photography, and I love photography-"

"You do?" Tony raised an eyebrow.

Peter huffed in annoyance, "Yes, I used to try showing the pictures I would take to you, but you were always too 'busy' to, so I gave up," he took a sip of the beer in his hand, "but I think this is probably my best bet at a job. I just have to get a few good photos, show them to J.J. Jameson, and bargain a good price."

Pietro handed Peter a newspaper and watched his little brother observe it, "the photographers they have right now are horrible, they'll be glad to have you."

"Thanks," Peter half smiled as he looked at the slightly out of focus, vague image of Spiderman swinging from one building to another, "this literally looks like it was taken with an iPhone. If I set up motion-activated cameras around the city, I should be able to catch a few good pictures."

"You're photographing yourself? Isn't that cheating?" Vision raised an eyebrow.

Peter shrugged, "I mean...kinda. But I cheat on everything and never get caught- I mean- um- I  think it's more like giving myself an advantage."

Tony smiled slightly, "I'll get you your cameras."

"Thanks, Dad," Peter replied then sat down with his drink, only to quickly hand it to Vision as Morgan leapt onto his lap, "hey Mo."

"Hi Peter," she hugged him tightly with her little arms, "you smell funny."

He sighed, knowing it was the alcohol he'd been forcing himself to gradually drink all day, "I've been drinking poison all day."

"What?!" She looked up at him in dismay, "are you going to die?!"

"No, no, no," Peter said quickly as he stroked her hair lovingly, "I'm going to be fine."

"Good," Morgan huffed as she buried her face in his chest.

The two siblings sat together in silence as Peter thought about the best places to set up the cameras. His mind quickly strayed from that path and he found himself thinking about his girlfriend. As he normally did when his mostly-sober mind wandered to the topic of miserable MJ, Peter found himself blinking tears out of his eyes.

"Hey, Sam," Peter picked up Morgan as the Falcon passed by, "take this— precious cargo."

Without a word, Sam hoisted the giggling girl onto his shoulder and kept on his path. Peter stood up a second later, took a few bottles of alcohol, then left to his bedroom. Almost the moment he sat down on his bed, he heard Tony's voice over the intercoms in his room.

"Peter what're you doing with alcohol on your room?" His voice challenged.

"Please don't tell me that there's like a camera or some shit in my room," Peter replied as he forced open a bottle.

"FRIDAY's sensors picked up a concentrated amount of alcohol entering your room," Tony explained.

Peter looked at the ceiling, "FRIDAY, you betrayed me."

"I'm sorry Peter," FRIDAY apologized.

"It's okay, we're still friends," Peter was mostly avoiding Tony's question.

"Kid, just tell me what you're doing with alcohol in your room, that's not aloud," Tony demanded.

"I have decided that I want to die," Peter half-joked then took a sip of the bitter, amber liquid.

"Peter," Tony spoke sternly.

"Dad, I only grabbed three, I just need a little space," Peter had a more solemn tone, "please."

Tony sighed, "fine. Just this once I'll let it slide."

"Thank you," Peter's voice was thick with relief as Tony signed off the intercoms.

Just as he was about to down three bottles of toxins, his phone buzzed with a notification. Setting down the container, he picked up his phone and read the text message:

Adrian 🔪: Hey Peter was wondering if you wanted to come see my school's play

Peter thought a moment; Adrian did think quiet highly of him, it worried the spider constantly.

Peter 🕷: When is it?

Adrian 🔪: Tomorrow, 5:30pm

"I can be sober at 5:30pm," Peter assured himself then agreed to the plan.

Is this what being a big brother feels like? Peter asked himself, if that felt good, being a dad must be the best.


A/N: To anyone reading this, thank you so much for you support and sorry I totally half-assed this chapter. I'm still not too sure how this story will end or when it'll end so expect slow updates, sorry about that. Again, thanks for reading and I hope you all are safe and healthy!

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