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Like a fresh painting that had been rained on, the world was smudged and blurred around him. All Peter could make out was the black haired, blue eyed girl sitting on the stool next to him. She was sitting close enough to him that her drunk body leaned against him and she kept one leg draped over his lap. Peter had his hand resting on her leg as the two giggled drunkly and flirted nonstop.

"My eyesh er upz here," Jessica giggled as she rested her hand under Peter's chin and lifted his head to meet her eyes.

"Oops," Peter muttered as he focused on her bright blue eyes, "Prettyyy eyes."

"Quick chatting and ome ere," She leaned closer to Peter and a drunk smile twitched onto his lips.

Something about this felt very wrong. He was doing something he shouldn't, but he couldn't quite place his finger on it. Either way, he couldn't care less. Jessica was at least five years older than him but she was hot as hell and rather enticing. Without a care, Peter drove his drunk lips into hers, tasting the bitter whiskey she'd recently drank in her mouth. They didn't even notice the poor bartender who uncomfortably tried not to watch them as Peter smeared her black lipstick. Peter slid his tongue into her mouth as he groped her leg with his hand. As the kiss progressed, he felt himself getting more and more turned on.

Jessica yelped into Peter's lips and quickly pulled away from him as she felt her leg vibrate. The two panted for a moment then Jessica's eyes trailed down to Peter's pocket.

"Wuz...in yer....pockit," Jessica bumbled between pants.

Peter reached for his pocket but missed and his hand landed on open air. After another attempt to grab his phone from his pocket, Peter shrugged and gave up.

"Dunno," Peter replied.

"Wanna come by my plaze," Jessica slyly asked.

Peter examined her body for a moment then was about to reply when his phone started ringing, "Aw shit."

This time he put in a little more effort in reaching into his pocket. He barely managed to grip his phone and draw it out of his pocket then sloppily answered it.

"Cello?" He greeted goofily and Jessica giggled slightly.

"Peter where are you?" A stern voice demanded.

Recognizing his girlfriend's voice, Peter practically snapped into sobriety, "M-MJ! Hey um wu-what's up?"

"Tony told me you stormed off and you're coming to my house right now," MJ snapped.

"Why?" Peter decided to play dumb.

"You know why!" MJ shouted then sighed, "Listen, babe, I feel like shit and I need you over right now. Please leave the bar I know you're in and get over here."

"I-I'm not in a bar but okay," Peter quickly replied then hung up.

"Who wuz ik?" Jessica asked as she snaked her hand onto Peter's leg.

Peter jerked away from her, "Gotta go, sorry Jessica."

"Will youz be back soooon?" Jessica watched him slap some money on the counter and stand up.

"Nah," Peter replied quickly and she whined in disappointment making Peter chuckle, "You're still hot," he called as he hurried out of the bar.

Peter's metal legs wobbled under him as he rushed down the streets. He stopped at the side of a road as several cars drove up and down it. Then he stopped and squeezed his eyes shut, where was MJ's house? How did he get there from here? He bounced on his toes for a moment as he tried to think, but his intoxicated mind was practically useless.

"Hey Pete, need a ride?" A kind, deep voice asked.

Peter opened his eyes to see Dave, MJ's father, "Yessir."

"C'mon," Dave gestured for Peter to come to the car and the boy obeyed, hoping he didn't smell too strongly of alcohol.

"Thank you sir," Peter mumbled as he got into the passenger's seat and buckled the seatbelt.

"Of course," Dave replied, "Now, while we have the time, we need to talk about my daughter."

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