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By the time Tony arrived at the curb Peter was sitting at, Peter had drunk all the alcohol he had with him, it was enough to kill a regular person. Good thing Peter wasn't a regular person. The kid was a mess, he'd been crying, thrown up a few times, and couldn't see straight. Tony sighed and got out of his car. Without a word, he helped Peter up, steadied him, and practically carried him to the passenger's seat. Peter couldn't recognize Tony and his heart rate quickened in confused panic.

"I'mbeingkidnappeded?" Peter mumbled, his words so slurred they were barely understandable.

"No kid, it's me. It's Tony," Tony kindly replied as he started to drive.

"I... shink may Uh... May made me leaves" Peter grumbled.

Tony glanced at Peter's broken, glassy eyes, "She..." he sighed heavily, "we'll talk about this later."

"You're realllyyyy nice... what's your nameses?" Peter asked.

"You can call me Mr. Stark kid," Tony replied, he knew Peter was drunk, and seeing him this way was heartbreaking.

"Misser Sark?... you're really nice. A-are you going to m-make me go away?" Peter's voice cracked as tears stung his eyes.

"No. It'll be okay Pete. I'll take care of you."

Peter was asleep for the rest of the ride which was good, maybe he'd feel a little better when he woke up. When they arrived, Tony gently woke up Peter who jolted up and looked around.

"Where am I?" He asked in a wobbly voice, he was almost completely sober.

"C'mon kid, I'll grab your backpack," Tony said softly.

Peter looked out the window and saw the Compound. He sighed and smiled softly, but it quickly faded when he remembered what happened only an hour earlier. Exhausted and tipsy, Peter hopped out of the car and landed with a clank. Tony grabbed the backpack, it was wreaking of the strong scent of alcohol, but he was used to it... just not from Peter. He walked into the Compound and looked over at Sam and Bucky who sat on the couch fighting over the remote. Wanda was desperately trying to teach Pietro and Vision how to cook with no success. Natasha just watched and laughed as she played with her long red hair. Hulk was arguing with Rhodes and Steve about hell knows what, but he seemed to be loosing. Pietro spotted Peter and quickly abandoned his culinary lesson and rushed to his young friend's side.

"Peter? It's the weekend you should be at your aunt's house," He observed, catching everyone else's attention.

Peter took a deep, shuddering breath and hesitated, "she kicked me out..."

Everyone froze and Sam jumped up from the couch, "Wait what?"

Peter stared at the ground and blurted out the whole story, at least as much of the story as he could remember. Pietro sympathetically put his arm around Peter and led the shaking boy the couch where he practically collapsed. He was starting to panic as the weight of his situation overwhelmed him.

"What am I going to do?! I-i have to take care of MJ! B-but... fuck!" Peter rambled.

"Watch your language kid," Steve warned as he approached Peter.

"Language my ass!" Peter spat then covered his mouth, "S-sorry."

"It's okay Pete," Pietro popped a squat in front of Peter and looked him in the eyes, "We'll figure something out, don't worry."

Peter sighed, what did he do to deserve such a caring big brother? Literally nothing, he did nothing to deserve this family. The family that always looked out for him and took care of him, the family that built him prosthetic legs and taught him how to walk again, the family that was so.... perfect.

"Hey kid... lets have a talk in your room," Tony suggested.

Peter looked at him and Pietro cringed, "The dad talk," the announced in unison.

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