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That night, MJ was fast asleep on the thin, hospital mattress with Peter laying next to her on what little space remained. He lay on his side, his hand gently resting on his girlfriend's stomach as her chest rose and fell at an even, relaxed pace. Finally, he could listen to the steady rhythm of both MJ and their baby's hearts. He wouldn't call it a "heartbeat," not in a million years. "Beat" sounded violent and harsh, but their hearts sounded gentle, quiet, and tender. There wasn't really a word for that, was there? Either way, Peter found his mind wandering at the rate of his family's heart.

At first, the thoughts were calm and peaceful as he wondered how it was possible to love a child he hadn't even met. He was almost more excited than nervous to be a part of Baby's life— braiding her hair (once he learned how), tucking her into bed at night, calming her down when she had nightmares, even getting pissed off when he caught her kissing a boy (or girl) he hadn't met. But... to be apart of Baby's life, he had to meet her... and to meet her...

Just like that, anxiety took over and had his thoughts racing a mile a minute. He wasn't sure why it had taken so long to hit him, but MJ had to give birth to a living child. Like hours and hours of labor. And what if something went wrong... Peter's heart stopped in its tracks as this crossed his mind. His eyes trailed to his sleeping girlfriend with her beautiful, caramel skin illuminated by the moonlight peering in through the window. If something goes wrong, they won't take it seriously... he thought to himself, tears rushing to his eyes. She could die. Having this child could literally kill her.

While the thought of breaking up with her made him feel ill, the very concept of MJ's mortality was almost unfathomable for Peter. Not having her hold his hand as they walked silently together, not being able to text her at a random time just to tell her he loved her, not being able to hold her in his arms as she cried silently after holding everything in all day— and not because they chose to part ways, but because they were forced away from each other with no ways of seeing each other again— that was a concept Peter couldn't even wrap his mind around.

And he didn't want to. MJ was one of the only people on this planet he absolutely could not afford to loose. I can't let her die in childbirth, Peter silently vowed, I will not let her die in childbirth.

With a quiet sigh, he brushed tears that he hadn't even noticed off his cheeks. He attempted to return his focus to the life in her chest yet this proved to be an impossible task. Staring at her peacefully closed eyelids, Peter gave in and allowed tears to stream down his face. He held her hand and intertwined their fingers as he silently sobbed.

After several silent minutes of crying tears he would refuse to let anyone see, Peter found himself nodding off as his exhausted eyes lost their will to stay open.

However, the moment his eyes closed, he jolted awake at the sound of an alarm going off in the distance. He forced his torso upright then reached for his metal legs and twisted them into place. Careful not to awake his girlfriend, he slipped off the bed with a quiet 'clank.' Then, he reached into his backpack Natasha had dropped off earlier and pulled out his Spiderman suit.

After slipping out the window and retreating to the hospital's roof, Peter dressed himself in the suit. Feeling the frigid night air kiss his skin made his hair stand on end. It was cold as hell, but it felt refreshing, especially after the events of the day.

He scanned his surroundings and spotted a figure dressed in pure black figure with flowing, silvery hair fleeing a jewelry store and slipping away into the darkness of an alley. As he leapt off the hospital and launched a web onto a nearby building, Peter couldn't help but mutter to himself:

"Alright, Spidey. Time to do someone else's job."


A/N: OKAY! So, first off I'm surprised people are actually reading this but fuck, I appreciate it so much, you guys have no idea. I really appreciate you guys. 

SECONDLY (that's a word, right?), I'm not 100% sure how this'll end. There's about three alternate endings, I won't tell you what they are I just wanna get your opinions on something:

A) How badly do you want to fuck up their lives (like A LOT or just eh meh)

B) How badly do you want your dreams shattered (again, ALOT or just eh meh or nah)

So yeah, that's what I'd like to know.

Also, congratulations to Zendaya on the motherfucking Emmy's nomination.

Also, congratulations to Zendaya on the motherfucking Emmy's nomination

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So yeah, that's it.

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