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Those words hit Tony like a bucket of cold water, "What?? Peter, you can't abandon her!"

Peter abruptly stood up and turned to face him, "well what the hell do you want me to do? I have no business raising a kid that isn't mine!" 

"Do you love MJ?"

"I don't know!" Peter cried, "I thought I did! But I also thought I trusted her and," he shook his head, "I don't know, Dad."

"Peter," Tony sighed, "I can't imagine how this feels for you, so won't pretend to know what to do. Maybe I should let you work this out by yourself," he pinched the bridge of his nose, "I... just please don't do anything stupid."

"Stupid by my standards or yours?"

"My standards. No drinking, no hurting people, and no hurting yourself."

Peter sighed and looked at the ground, there go all my coping techniques, "yessir," he mumbled.

Tony stood up, "Good. Now give me a hug."

Peter smiled and wrapped his arms around his father. Tony hugged the boy securely, not really knowing what to feel about the situation. On one hand, he didn't know the full story but he could guess that Peter probably did something to deserve this. On the other hand, he was intensely frustrated with MJ. She hurt Peter and normally that was something no one would ever get away with, not on Tony's watch. But, she was sixteen so there wasn't much Tony could legally do. 

Eventually, Peter let go of Tony and mumbled a thank you. 

"I'm gonna go on a patrol," He said softly.

"Alright, be back before midnight," Tony ordered.

Peter hesitated, "um... I can't?"

Tony folded his arms across his chest and frowned, "and why's that?"

"I gotta meet with someone around that time, and uh- yeah," Peter forgot that he had never told Tony about Black Cat.

"Who're you meeting with at midnight? That's... extremely shady," Tony's interrogative tone had hints of concern.

"Just a friend," Peter explained, "I buy her dinner- not like a date! Just like being a good friend so she doesn't starve."

"Why not bring her here? I'd be happy to have her over sometimes for meals," Tony offered.

"Well yeah- I know but uh-" she's a criminal, "I dunno. It's complicated."

"Kid, you're worrying me. Is your friend a drug dealer or something?" 

"No! She's just- I don't think she's like you guys or that you guys would like her," Peter explained then caught Tony's disbelieving stare, "she doesn't do super legal stuff. I don't do illegal stuff with her, though! I promise. But I buy her dinner so she doesn't have to rob banks of dinner money. But sometimes, someone else tells her to rob a place and she has to or they'll shoot her."

Tony blinked, "have I failed you as a father? You should not have these types of friends!"

"I know! But she's really sweet and- Ugh, why did I tell you about this," Peter huffed.

The older man shook his head in disapproval, "I know it's none of my business, but why haven't you arrested her?"

"Because I promised her I wouldn't?"


"Okay, okay fine!" Peter exclaimed, "I'll arrest her tonight."


"But don't worry, I'm not actually going to arrest you," Peter told Black Cat that night. 

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