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"When did you start drinking?" Tony asked.

"Consistently after loosing my legs," Peter's voice shook.

"Consistently?" Tony inquired.

"I... I got into some trouble at parties and... yeah. Just teenage stuff," Peter looked at the ground uncomfortably, Oh you know the usual sex, drugs, and alcohol.

"Thats okay. That's normal," Tony sighed then opened Peter's backpack, dumping out a shocking number of empty beer cans and bottles, "That is not."

"It's just... I-i get really overwhelmed... and wh-when I see the scars f-from... you know what... I panic. They make me want to scream and cry a-and I though I lost you when y-you... you know... a-and then..." Peter broke into sobs, "And now MJ's pregnant b-because I can't control myself! I'm stupid! I'm just a stupid piece of shit! And May's kicked me out! And I just don't know what to do!"

Tony hesitated, he felt for Peter. He knew PTSD wasn't easy to cope with, "I'm not mad at you Peter. You're not stupid. You do stupid shot constantly but that doesn't make you stupid. I'll help you through this, I promise."

Peter could only give him a grateful nod, his mind was still racing with questions and dark thoughts.

"Now Peter... let's talk about Michelle," Tony began and Peter blushed brightly, "How long do you think she's been pregnant?"

"Well... probably two months. I mean that's the last time we uh... yeah," Peter awkwardly replied.

Tony raised an eyebrow, "So it wasn't your first time?" When Peter shook his head 'no,' Tony laughed, "Seriously kid? That's...that's funny."

"Shut up," Peter mumbled, stifling a smile.

"No I'm not! How many times did you guys-" Tony was cut off as he dodged a pillow.

He laughed softly as Peter chuckled a little. Peter's face was bright red with embarrassment. Leave it to Tony to change the mood with a snap of his fingers. Peter got uncomfortable when talking about his history at MJ's house around an adult. But for whatever reason, at school things like that could be joked around about because no one cared and everyone saw it as a joke. Then Peter started to fidget nervously. Noticing, Tony spoke up.

"I can talk to Pepper and maybe, if you're okay with it, you could be our son," Tony offered.

"No shit?" Peter looked up at Tony with wide eyes.

"None," Tony smiled at Peter's reaction, "I'm here to help you Peter. We all are."

"Thanks," Peter muttered and looked back down.

"And Peter..."


"Take care of your girl. Be there for her the way we are for you. If she needs something, get it for her. If she feels sick, stay with her. If she feels upset, comfort her. Don't leave her for anything. This is your fault, the least you can do is support her."

"I never planned on leaving her Mr. Stark. And I don't plan on leaving anytime soon, or ever. I'll take care of her and I'll take care of our kid, whatever it takes," Peter replied, he sounded so mature, it filled Tony with pride.

"She's lucky to have you kid," Tony smiled.

Peter gave a lopsided smile, "I should... I should call her."

"Yeah you should, I'm gonna go talk to Pep now," Tony agreed as he walked away.

Peter waited for him to close the door before pulling out his phone and calling MJ.

"Hey Pete, how'd May take things?" MJ asked.

"I dunno... she kicked me out for the whole... alcoholism crap," Peter sighed.

"Oh my god Peter I'm so sorry," MJ gasped softly.

"It's fine," Peter mumbled then took a deep breath, "I'm... tired."

"Why don't you come over to my house for dinner?" MJ offered.

"Yeah... yeah that sounds great," Peter replied.

"Be here by five or you go hungry," MJ demanded.

"Yes ma'am," Peter had a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

MJ hung up and Peter flopped onto his bed. Five o'clock? That was along time to wait for Peter. He would normally drink away the hours, but he had no access to alcohol in the Compound. With a heavy sigh, he threw a blanket over his head and let out a loud groan.


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