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"Kid, get up," Tony's voice was distance and muffled, "kid!"

Peter sat up and all the sounds of the city struck his ears like lightning. Confused, he silently examined Tony and Rhodes who stood over him with concerned expressions. What the hell happened? Were they on a roof?

"Hey kid, say something will you?" Rhodes requested, hiding his concern.

Peter opened and closed his mouth a few times then blurted out, "What time is it?"

"Six Thirty," Tony answered, "Ands it's Tuesday."

Peter frowned and quickly took off his mask, "That makes no sense, wasn't it Sunday?"

"Are you saying you've been unconscious up here for over a day?" Rhodes raised an eyebrow then exchanged glances with Tony.

Peter's heart raced in panic, "S-stop fucking around. This isn't funny!"

"We aren't- oh my god Peter!" Tony exclaimed as he extended his arm to touch the side of Peter's face.

Peter flinched away before he could touch him, "Whats wrong?"

Peter touched his temple and hissed in pain, ignoring it, he felt the side of his face and cheek. It was coated in dry blood and a wound trying to heal itself. He looked up at Tony and Rhodes then over at the city. What the hell had happened? He covered his mouth with one hand while the other held him up.

"Let's get you home Pete and you can clean up," Tony sighed as he stood up and held out his hand.

Peter slowly nodded and clasped Tony's hand with his own. He pulled himself upright, taking a few moments for a sudden wave of nausea to fade. After putting his mask back on and shooting a web at Tony's foot, he let the Iron Man carry him away to the Compound with Rhodes in tow.

"We found him," Tony announced as they entered the Compound.

The Avengers looked at Peter with gazes full of concern and disappointment. Without a word Peter quickly walked away to the bathroom, grabbing a towel and some fresh clothes on the way there. As he waited for the water to warm up, he stared blankly at the toilet in front of him. I'm disgusting. He dropped to his knees and started hacking and gagging, but there was nothing in his stomach to throw up, so he ended up hacking out stomach acids and bile. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, Peter sighed then flushed the toilet.

After his shower, Peter sat in his room, the side of his face still extremely tender and his entire body was sore. A few minutes of Peter trying to remember what had happened passed before he heard a knock at his door.

"Come in," Peter muttered.

Tony walked in and looked down at him. After a moment of silence, both Peter and Tony holding back tear, Tony sighed and spoke up.

"Where you drunk?" He asked quietly.

Peter looked up at Tony with tired eyes, "I don't know."

"Okay," Tony stuffed his hands in his pockets, "that means you were," another moment of silence, "you could've died kid..."

"I know."

"I just worry about you, and I really want you to be safe."

"I know."



"Show me a sign that you care! Do something to prove that you care about your life! Please anything!" Tony begged.

Peter stood up abruptly, "I don't care! Okay? You won't be getting any signs because I really don't care!"

"You should care!"

In a matter of seconds, Tony was yelling a lecture, telling Peter he should be more responsible and the dangers of drinking. Peter wasn't listening to any of it though, he just stared at Tony with foggy eyes as his father ranted. Tony finished with a heavy sigh.

"I just want you safe and healthy," Tony sighed.

Peter didn't say anything for a moment. Then, he blinked and rubbed his eyes with the palms of his hands, "You must really like the sound of your voice, 'cause I don't hear a thing when you yell."

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